Holly Berry Body Manicure Bombs

Holly Berry Body Manicure Bombs on Black Slate

Holly Berry Body Manicure Bombs with Packaging

You probably know I have a bit of a love affair with Holly Berry Body.  It is one of my fave brands.  I was first introduced to Holly through a Craftadian show last year and have loved everything I have tried.  I make a beeline to her table when she is vending at local shows.  Plus, she is nice enough to let me hide behind her table to send out pics from the shows so I am not standing in the way of shoppers.  Yeah, and I may stop by randomly to use her Milk Chocoate lotion, because I love that stuff.

Anyway, on to today’s post.  As I mentioned recently, a med change has left my nails in really rough shape.  I took off my KISS artificial nails and wanted to give my nails a little TLC.  So a nice soak with one of HollyBerry Body’s manicure bombs.  A little background on these as I have mentioned them before but never done a full review.  Holly first made them for me after some whining that my regular brand didn’t stock them anymore.  See, unlike mainstreams, indies listen to what their customers want because Holly now stocks these in her etsy shop and has them at shows.  Hence, the beeline for her stall, because her bath bomb stuff is popular!

Holly Berry Body Manicure Bombs over water

Look at the state of my nails, horrible and in need of some TLC ~cries~

Simply drop one of the mini manicure bombs into a bowl of water.  You get a pack of two for $3 so very affordable to use on a regular basis.  The conditioning avocado and apricot kernel oils will help soften up your hands.  Then the essential oil blend of frankincense, lavender, and lemon will help strengthen your nails and cuticles.   The cute hearts and stars are just there to look shiny and pretty.

Manicure bomb in action #bathbombs #manicure #etsy

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They foam for cute a while to help get under the nails and have a nice clean scent.  A little birdy told me there are antibacterial pedicure bombs now too.  The Pedicure Bombs have peppermint, geranium and tea tree oils to soothe your feet after a hard day.  Going on my list for the Hamilton Craftadian Holiday show when I next see Holly.  Along with a bag full of manicure bombs as I think the next show won’t be for a while, so have to stock up.

Holly Berry Body Manicure Bombs on Black Slate

Aren’t they pretty?  If you are not familiar with manicure bombs, they are like a bath bomb, but for your hand/fingers only.  Even if you don’t use acetone on your nails as often as me, you will appreciate the benefits of one.   It is a nice way to get a bit of a spa day at home at an affordable price.  Because, at two bombs for $3, I can use them all the time.

You can find Holly and her lovely HollyBerry creations on etsy.  If you prefer not to spend money on shipping to buy even more, Holly is a fave at Craftadian markets and will be at all three of the upcoming shows.  Join Holly and many other indie makers at the Craftadian Popup at the Hamilton Bump, Baby and Toddler show November 4th & 5th.  Or the big Craftadian Holiday Markets in Mississauga on November 11th or Hamilton on December 2nd.

HollyBerry Body Manicure Bombs Review - Canadian Indie - Craftadian Seller - Shop Local

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