Death & Floral Sweet Kitties (Custom Indie Perfumes)

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review

Introducing the Sweet Kitties from Death & Floral. Combining my love of cats and sweet scents, I got these as part of an indie secret santa gift. I was lucky enough to get these  just before Brim from Death & Floral changed to a lottery system for customs so getting a set isn’t as easy anymore.

The throw and longevity on all of these is excellent. I could smell Antoinette and Beau through the package, particularly the maple butter in Beau but they aged well to tone down the Creme Brulee and Maple so the other notes could come through. I get 6-8 hours wear minimum from all of them and with oil format, you can smell them without huffing your wrist.

Death & Floral Winifred

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review - Winifred

New York cheesecake covered cookie dough bites and white chocolate covered strawberries with almond crust.

This is my favourite of the set and one I wear quite a lot. It manages to bring through all of the notes mentioned without being sickly sweet. The strawberries linger in the background and there is a slight dryness to it that helps it from being cloying. It does go sweeter after a few hours wear but the throw is lower by then.

Death & Floral Gemma

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review - Gemma

Chocolate ice cream sundae topped with cherries and a frozen banana

Mmmmmm chocolate ice cream, the cherries are not as noticeable in this but you do get whiffs of banana and a general fruit vibe. It is a bit fresher smelling that the others thanks to the ice cream.

Death & Floral Beau

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review - Beau

Maple butter and honey covered marshmallow whipped cream

The maple butter in this was all I could smell when they arrived just after the holidays but it toned down to a beautiful marshmallow whipped cream with just a hint of maple butter and Brim’s signature honey note. Giving it a final sniff while typing this, it is just perfect now. It is warm and comforting but does make me hungry compared to the rest which is weird as it is the least “foodie” smelling.

Death & Floral Antoinette

Death and Floral Cat Customs Indie Perfume Review - Antoinette

Creme brulee and sticky vanilla beans topped with a dash of cinnamon brown sugar

Another one that benefited from aging, the creme brulee and cinnamon overpowered the sugar and it was much stronger smelling when it arrived but now the notes mingle together beautifully like you are walking by the dessert stand at a fancy tea room. Definitely more dusting of brown sugar now than covered in cinnamon.

Brim offers a lottery for custom perfumes on her instagram account (non instagram entry available if necessary by email). The lottery is posted on the 20th and they are $40 for a 10ml (mine are 5ml). You can pick up past customs, like mine, here at regular price.

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