Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Review

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Review - Brewed with Cups

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Review - Brewed with Cups

Did you know that Bulk Barn sells loose tea?  And at super affordable prices.  If you want to try loose but are not quite ready to pay the big tea shop prices, it is a great place to start.  Or for those who just want to stock up on basic loose teas, amazing prices.  I tried several teas and will be sharing them over the coming weeks, the first is Black Currant black tea.  It is priced at $3.64 for 100g but you can buy a little to start.  Make it an even better deal with the coupons they offer for $3 off a purchase of $10 or more on a regular basis.

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Steeping Instructions and Ingredients

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Review

Ingredients: Black tea with black currant flavour, flowers.  China black tea is blended with the essence of black currant to produce this satisfying beverage. Try this as a dessert tea.

Steeping Instructions: 1 rounded teaspoon per 8oz with freshly boiled water.  Steep for 5 minutes.

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Loose Tea Review

Bulk Barn’s Black Currant tea is a flavoured black tea, so no visible black currants and doesn’t have that juicy flavour or scent of similar teas.  Don’t get me wrong, it still have a juicy flavour, just not quite as in your face as some of the more expensive brands.  Like DAVIDsTEA, you don’t need to buy a lot at once.  At $3.64 for 100g I certainly would, but you can get a small bag to try.  I got 25g to start and have already picked up a big bag of this Black Currant tea.

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Loose Tea Review - Brewed and Spoon of Loose Tea

The tea brews to your typical dark red black tea look.  I used one Perfect Spoon for 12oz so a bit more than they recommend.  There is a little dust that makes its way through the steeping basket.  If not using tea bags, you may want to shake it first before adding water to limit the dust in your tea.

Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Loose Tea with Avon Cup of Courage

At $3.64 for 100g you really can’t go wrong with this tea.  The black tea power for some caffeine and punch and enough berry and black currant flavour to sweeten the astringency of the black tea.  It does taste amazing with a little honey or rock sugar though so I recommend trying it sweetened.

Have you tried any Bulk Barn teas?  What did you think of them?  Check back soon for Oolong Orange and Moroccan Mint!

Shown in images: DAVIDsTEA Snowflake Glass Perfect Mug, DAVIDsTEA Perfect Spoon, Avon Cup of Courage.

5 Replies to “Bulk Barn Black Currant Black Tea Review”

  1. I never thought of looking for tea at Bulk Barn, but now I will for sure! This one sounds nice, I’ll definitely grab a bit to try it out. And Oolong Orange? Ooh I want to try that too!

  2. I’m so happy you’re reviewing these teas. I have wanting to try them but I’m never in Bulk Barn without my kids (1&3) so haven’t had time to buy them!

    Really looking forward to your review of Moroccan Mint. Just received a sample of DT MM and I’d like to compare the 2! I love for DT for speciality teas but they are definitely a luxury for me!

    I’d also like to try blending my own teas and infusions so Bulk Barn seems like a grey place to purchase my base teas.

    1. Purchasing some plain black and mint to try my own blend was exactly what I was in there looking for!

  3. […] I mentioned last week, I am reviewing one of my new favourite Bulk Barn teas – Oolong Orange.  There are not many […]

  4. I’ve been loving this tea. I got it after your review. I is such a great black tea blend that I like. I think the only bulk barn issue is some stores are going to have less fresh tea. Mine seemed pretty fresh though.

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