DAVIDsTEA Holiday Teas Launching November 15th

DavidsTea Holiday Teas 2016 Sneak Peek

DavidsTea Holiday Teas 2016 Sneak Peek

I know many of you will already be on the way to your local store to pick up the huge release of winter products today, but I have a sneak peek of the winter teas for you!  Rumours have been swirling about Candy Cane Crush tea potentially replacing one of the teas and thankfully for fans of them, it is not.  There are three teas in the winter collection and they will launch on November 15th.

DavidsTea Snow Day 2016 Holiday Tea

Got a blizzard on the way? Score! There’s no better way to warm up than this oh-so cozy chocolate mint blend – with cute little snowflake sprinkles. Bring it on, winter!  At $7.98 for 50g I love Snow Day, but then chocolate mint is always a favourite for me.  I am glad to see this herbal tea back.

DavidsTea Sleigh Ride 2016 Holiday Tea

This sweet, tart, and earthy herbal is as nice and rosy as a caroler’s cheeks. It’s lovely weather for a Sleigh Ride together.  Also $7.98 for 50g, this fruit infusion if like last year is a nutty fruity mix.  The past variety was fairly cinnamonny with hibiscus but the image looks a bit different so the mix may be slightly different.

DavidsTea Santa's Secret 2016 Holiday Tea

Because I can’t get enough mint! Ever wonder how Santa manages to deliver all those presents in just one night? Probably with this blend of black tea, peppermint leaves and spices – all sprinkled with real little candy canes.  Like the others, this black tea is $7.98 for 50g.

It is nice to see all of the holiday teas so affordable as I know many of us are going a little mug and collection crazy with the winter release.  Let me know what you bought!

DAVIDsTEA Holiday Teas – Tins & Gift Tags

Holiday Tea Release Winter Tins

While there are winter tins out there, if you want an added touch of winter, they are $18 each.  If you just want to try them out, they will also have cute little tea filled gift tags at $5 each or three for $12.

DAVIDsTEA Candy Cane Crush

DavidsTea Winter Holiday Letters to Santa

The rumours of Candy Cane Crush are not completely untrue.  It is just not replacing one of the holiday teas coming out on November 15th.  Keep an eye out for their Letters to Santa set.  For $20 it includes Santa’s Secret, Candy Cane Crush and Alpine Secret plus a pack of filters in a cute letterbox.

If you don’t want the set, Candy Cane Crush will be available in December as the Tea of the Month.  If you missed it, Hot Chocolate is the Tea of the Month for November, so go get a cup of that fudgey chocolatey goodness!

Missed the winter release?  Check it out here.

4 Replies to “DAVIDsTEA Holiday Teas Launching November 15th”

  1. The snow day blend sounds wonderful – chocolate and mint is always a hit with me too 🙂

  2. I love herbal teas and these herbal infusion sound interesting and I bet taste great too…

  3. Do you happen to know how many grams of each tea come in the letters to Santa?

    1. No, but they should be in stores or online soon to check!

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