A England – Angel Grace Swatches and Review

A England - Angel Grace Swatches and Review - Tennysons Romance Collection

A England - Angel Grace Swatches and Review - Tennysons Romance Collection

The fourth shade from A England’s Tennyson’s Romance collection is Angel Grace.  This stunning scattered holo orchid purple polish may be the least true to the painting, but you know I love my purples.  Since it is a bit lighter, the holographic shimmer shows more brightly too.

A England - Angel Grace Bottle Shot - Tennysons Romance Collection

The Beggar Maid - King Cophetua - Tate Image Tennysons Romance Collection

I am not really sure where they got the inspiration for this shade.  Neither the painting nor the sketch show much purple so it is all about the typical purple grace I guess.  Although over time, the painting has aged and a red hue could give you a darker purple hue.

A England - Angel Grace Indoor Light Swatches and Review - Tennysons Romance Collection

A England – Angel Grace – Artificial Light

A England - Angel Grace Swatch Artificial Light - Tennysons Romance Collection

A England – Angel Grace – Artificial Light

A England - Angel Grace Macrot - Tennysons Romance Collection

A England – Angel Grace – Natural Light

A England - Angel Grace Swatch Natural Light - Tennysons Romance Collection

A England – Angel Grace – Natural Light

A England – Angel Grace (Tennyson’s Romance Collection)

Like the others in the Tennyson’s Romance collection, it can be used as a one coater.  The formula is thick so does not flood the cuticle but not so thick it gets brush strokes or is hard to work with.  The beautiful orchid purple shade is suitable for all skin tones and is more beautiful in person.

While this stunning orchid purple holo polish can be used as a one coater, the second coat deepens the colour and since this one has a slightly longer dry time than the others in the collection, it benefits from two thinner coats.  Wear time is good, sadly I broke a nail so took it off after a day but no major chipping or tip wear.

A England - Tennyson's Romance Header with Text

Buy Angel Grace from Nail Polish Canada for $15.50 Canadian.  Be sure to check out the rest of the collection as you will likely want them too, especially once you see swatches.  The Tennyson’s Romance collection includes The Beggar Maid (mink), King Cophetua (black), In Robe and Crown (wine) and Shall Be My Queen (ruby red).

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8 Replies to “A England – Angel Grace Swatches and Review”

  1. My daughter was just peeking over my shoulder and said this color made her want to dance. I might have to agree there.

  2. Oh dear this looks absolutely stunning on you! Gorgeous swatch!!!

  3. Gorgeous color and swatch!

  4. I have never tried this brand. But I am in aweeee.

  5. Oh, this shade is absolutely lovely!

  6. […] purple, I started with a base of A England’s Angel Grace which is an orchid purple scattered holo.  Topped with double stamping of the same spilled paint […]

  7. Nail Polish Addict says: Reply

    I actually apply Angel Grace with 3 coats. I find that it adds just a hint more vibrancy and I love it! Even more gorgeous with a top coat.

  8. It’s funny how you see things after a while. I haven’t looked at the source picture for this collection for a long time, and like you, I never could see where the gentle lilac of Angel Grace came from – but this week for some reason I had a yen to look through people’s swatches of A-England polishes, and scrolling down I suddenly saw it! The beggar maid has a little bunch of wildflowers clutched in her right hand, and they’re shaded in dusty pink and lilac colours.

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