You have probably noticed these sets in Shoppers Drug Mart. With their pretty red and gold bucket containers, the Quo by Orly Perfectly Painted sets are hard to miss. For $35 you get 12 mini Quo by Orly nail polishes in various colours to take you through the holiday season. The bucket is great for […]
A England Tennyson’s Romance Collection Swatches and Review

You can never have enough holo in your life and this stunning new collection from A England just screams buy me. The Tennyson’s Romance collection includes five scattered holo polishes, from orchid purple to black based on Tennyson’s The Beggar Maid. While the polishes are named for Tennyson’s Romance, The Beggars Maid, the shades mainly […]
A England – Shall Be My Queen Swatches and Review

The final shade in A England’s Tennyson’s Romance collection is Shall Be My Queen. A stunning ruby red scattered holographic polish that finishes the collection with a touch of royalty. While the painting does have some beautiful reds in it, I like to think the inspiration is more the royalty aspect of the story. I […]
A England – Angel Grace Swatches and Review

The fourth shade from A England’s Tennyson’s Romance collection is Angel Grace. This stunning scattered holo orchid purple polish may be the least true to the painting, but you know I love my purples. Since it is a bit lighter, the holographic shimmer shows more brightly too. I am not really sure where they got […]
A England – In Robe and Crown Swatch & Review

The third shade in A England’s Tennyson’s Romance collection is the stunning In Robe and Crown. A deep red wine polish with scattered holo, this one would work for almost all skin tones and is so beautiful in person. I only had this one briefly while I tried out the collection but even the FedEx […]
A England – King Cophetua Swatch & Review

King Cophetua, the second polish in A England’s Tennyson’s Romance, is a gorgeous scattered black holographic polish. It picks up on the darker colours in the painting of The Beggar Maid that hangs in the Tate Gallery. Perhaps even the King’s mindset as he was said to have immediately decided that he would commit suicide if […]
A England – The Beggar Maid Swatch & Review

The first of five gorgeous holographic polishes in the Tennyson’s Romance collection from A England for winter 2016, The Beggar Maid is a beautiful scattered holo dark mink polish. It ranges between steel grey to a slight pink-mauve or brown depending on lighting and is just stunning in person. The inspiration for this shade definitely […]
Quo by Orly – The Best of the Best Collection Swatches

One of the things I love about the holiday season is all of the beauty sets that you can buy. I remember as a teenager, buying a beauty gift set was see as a lazy gift. Now it is all I want apart from a crazy amount of the DAVIDsTEA holiday stuff! Makes it easier […]
Avon Nailwear Pro+ Green Sheen & Gold Dust Swatch & Review

As promised, the nail polishes included in the Mega Metals collection from Avon I reviewed last week. The collection includes two beautiful metallic polishes from the Nailwear Pro+ line. Choose between Gold Dust or Green Sheen – or just get them both. Both have great opacity, important for metallics to cut down on brush strokes. […]