Color Club Happy Go Lucky Mood Polish doesn’t look too bad here. My hand was in front of the AC so you see more of the peachy pink cool state but can be bright saffron yellow when really warm. And my hands tend towards very warm so… Happy Go Lucky from the Color Club Pastel […]
Trade Secrets
Color Club Enlightened Mood Polish Swatches & Nail Art

I wore Color Club Enlightened Mood Polish to the office and since I rarely wear pink, everyone noticed. My coworker spent the day singing I’m A Barbie Girl to me. Which sums up this polish, very Barbie girly pink. Color Club goes from a lighter pink, a touch darker than baby pink when warm to […]
Color Club Old Soul Mood Polish Swatches & Nail Art

I have been loving most of the Color Club Mood Changing Polish collection but I am torn on Old Soul. I am not a pink kinda person so that plays into it a little but I just don’t love it. The colors are so similar to the naked eye and the formula is not as […]
Color Club Blue Skies Ahead Mood Polish Swatches & Nail Art

Another Color Club Mood Polish! This one is Blue Skies Ahead, a light blue to a dusty light purple thermal polish. It is a little brighter in colour than the bottle colour suggests which I personally prefer. You know that with blue and purple, I am a huge fan of this polish but it does […]
Color Club Serene Green Mood Polish Swatches and Nail Art

Possibly my favourite from the collection, Color Club Serene Green is not very serene nor green. This thermal mood polish transitions from teal when warm to indigo-purple when cold. As you can see on the brush, a nice opaque formula. Still needs two coats for full opacity but it is beautiful. Unlike some of the […]
Color Club Feelin’ Myself Mood Polish Swatches & Nailart

I seem to be on a bit of a pink kick lately which is weird for me as I rarely wear pink. But Color Club Mood Polish in Feelin’ Myself changes to purple and you know I love a good purple. This shade has a great formula, none of the brush stroke issues I experienced […]
Color Club Extra Vert Mood Polish Swatches & Nail Art

I recently got my hands on the Color Club Mood Changing Polishes and since my BM-XL25 plate had just arrived with its sea and wave designs, Extra Vert with a beautiful blue to pale green transition was top of my list to try. Color Club Extra Vert Mood Changing Polish seems pretty opaque on the […]
Five MoYou Stamping Plates You Need In Your Collection

I recently reviewed the Comics collection from MoYou and while it is not beginner friendly, Trade Secrets sells lots that are. If you are Canadian and want to start nail stamping without waiting 4-8 weeks for items to arrive from the other side of the world, here are 5 plates you can use as a […]
How To Shrink Nail Stamping Images

No matter how long your nails are, we have all had images that are too big for our nails but really wanted to use them. You can shrink the images by stretching your nail stamper carefully and when it bounces back into shape, you get a smaller image. It does take a few tries to […]