Roo turns 7 today, as far as we can guess at least. I thought I would share some of my favourite baby kitten photos of him. For those who do not know, Roo was a hand feeder kitten. He was found without his mom in a dumpster. So he needed to be bottle fed and […]
Pet Stuff
Jiffy Cat Grass Kit Review

Every so often, I like to share the things my cats love as well as the things I love. Since it is Caturday, I have a review of Jiffy Cat Grass. I recently found these at Giant Tiger for around $2 which is cheaper than I buy cat grass at the Farmer’s Market so worth […]
Latest Favourite Cat Treats From Delectables, Pure Snacks & Friskies

It has been a while since I talked our favourite cat stuff but after finding a new treat that they all loved, I wanted to share! A decent priced, decent quality treat they will all eat is hard to find. Izzy was ill for a while and off her food so we bought a […]
Avon Cat Lover’s Holiday Gift Guide

It is November and that means time to start shopping for Christmas gifts. I have a number of holiday gift guides coming up soon to help you choose the perfect gift. Since it is Caturday and ordering from Avon means a little waiting time for your order date and delivery, I thought I would start […]
Help, I Have Fallen In Love With Kitties and Cabernet!

You know I can’t resist a good mug and something kitty themed is going to grab my attention in seconds. So while browsing through the makers for the Craftadian show happening on Hamilton on August 27th, Kitties and Cabernet immediately caught my attention with their “There’s probably fur in this” mug. You know how many […]
Our Favourite Cat Toys and Treats

Since it is International Cat Day, I thought I would mix it up and take a break from beauty to talk about the stuff my cats love. I used to post more cat stuff but it seems to have become very beauty focused lately so I will try to do more of these non beauty […]
Introducing Jasmine + Some Jasmine Swatches

Things have been crazy lately and I have not posted much over the last few weeks because of summer, work and this little beauty. On Canada Day long weekend, we said goodbye to our sweet Princess Autumn and agreed on getting no more cats. Until I got an email about this poor little kitten found […]
PC Green Twice As Absorbent Clumping Cat Litter Review

I love my cats, but I hate (like hate, hate, HATE) cleaning their litter boxes. The ammonia mixed with clay smell of regular cat litter is just disgusting and they kick it everywhere. Try walking barefoot to the bathroom over those little stones in the middle of the night! We started to buy World’s Best […]
How to Have a Cat Friendly Christmas
We had a small dog when I was very young, but growing up we never had pets to worry about at Christmas. When I first moved here and my boyfriend had cats, I thought they were adorable playing with the Christmas tree, pulling decorations off for us to step on and playing with all the […]