Introducing Jasmine + Some Jasmine Swatches

Jasmine Jazzy the Kitten First Morning

Jasmine Jazzy the Kitten First Morning

Things have been crazy lately and I have not posted much over the last few weeks because of summer, work and this little beauty.  On Canada Day long weekend, we said goodbye to our sweet Princess Autumn and agreed on getting no more cats.  Until I got an email about this poor little kitten found in a ditch by the same person we got Roo from.  She could not keep her and would have to take her to a shelter, so I agreed to foster her.  Needless to say, she is staying, and finally has a name, Jasmine!

Jazzy is about 10 weeks now and we have had her for 2 weeks on Saturday.  I don’t have many pictures of her because she never sits still long enough but I am sure you will be bored of kitten photos in the weeks to come as she slows down.  We are finally at the stage where the other cats get along with her to varying degrees of UGH I guess she is staying to OMG a kitten for me?

In honour of our little Jasmine (who is Jasmine when she is bad and Jazzy when she is sweet), some Jasmine themed polish swatches for you:

Zoya Jasmine

Zoya Jasmne Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Zoya Jasmne Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Zoya Jasmine is that perfect red for me (and prompted a nailpolishcanada order when I realized that I had used it so much and the rest was gone weird so I needed a new bottle).  It is a medium red with a pink undertone and slight shimmer.  One of my go-to reds (which are all Zoya reds) for work, it is often streaky on the first coat but the second coat of Zoya Jasmine evens it out and gains full opacity.

Zoya Jasmine seems to have disappeared from Zoya’s website and is in the clearance section on nailpolishcanada so while I am glad to score a bottle for under $6, I expect it will disappear soon and this will be my last bottle of it.

Picture Polish Jasmine

Picture Polish Jasmine Trace Face Philes Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Picture Polish Jasmine Trace Face Philes Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Since I was buying a bottle of Zoya Jasmine to introduce my new fluffy baby, I just had to buy some other polishes that showed up in my search!  Next up is Forever in my Heart… Jasmine, a 2013 collab between Trace Face Philes and piCture pOlish.  It has a lavender creme base with purple, green, blue and silver glitter chunkies.  I needed 3 coats on this one, it was a little too sheer with 2 but the third made it a little too chunky.  Maybe two thicker coats are called for.

Essie Jazzy Jubilant

Essie Jazzy Jubilant Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Essie Jazzy Jubilant Swatch Canada Tea & Nail Polish

Finally, in honour of her being Jazzy when she is all cuteness and not kicking litter across the room, chewing on Quincy Bear or stepping in her food and walking it across my cream sofa (hence the throws everywhere at the moment), we have Essie’s Lux Effects in Jazzy Jubilant.  Shown here over Essence’s Black is Back, Jazzy Jubilant is a multicoloured glitter effect topcoat with purple, green, red and silver chunky glitter.

The clear coat is fairly thick so you can move the glitter around a bit before it dries, but the drying time is longer than some of the other Lux Effects.  As you can see, the placement of the glitter is not uniform, you need to lay it on pretty thick for full coverage or get sparse areas like my baby finger but it looks amazing over darker polishes!

I am sure more Jasmine photos will bore you in the weeks to come and I have lots of beauty reviews to post soon too (as well as a giveaway!).

5 Replies to “Introducing Jasmine + Some Jasmine Swatches”

  1. Your jazzy is adorable and loved the picture perfect jasmine a lot, i might get it for me 🙂

  2. Eeeeeee she’s so cuuuuuute! <3

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      Thanks Jodi, is she talking you into getting a second?

      1. Ohhh it wouldn’t take much to talk me into getting a second! Other than a small apartment, anyway 😉

  3. I am so sorry about Autumn but super happy about Jasmine, Very very cute little kitten.

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