Remembrance Day Nails with BPY40 Waterslide Decals

Remembrance Day Nail Art Poppy Nail Decals BPY40 flower waterslide decals

Remembrance Day Nail Art Poppy Nail Decals BPY40 flower waterslide decals

With Remembrance Day yesterday, we choose poppy themed nails for #CBBxManiMonday this week.  So these are the nails I had all weekend.  The base is white stamping polish as my bottle of regular white polish suddenly dried up.  Topped with poppy themed waterslide decals from the Born Pretty Store BPY40 set and My Indie Polish My Perfect Matte top coat.

Unlike the last set of decals I tried from Born Pretty, these did not suffer from yellowing and left a nice white from the base polish.  I really like these decals.  They applied well, you had some time to move them and they melted easily with acetone.  I almost wish I didn’t have to take them off but I have some swatching to do.

Remembrance Day Nail Art Poppy Nail Decals BPY40 flower waterslide decals

It is #CBBxManiMonday so pop over to see how Cosmetic ProofPrairie Beauty Love and See the World in Pink did with this challenge.

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One Reply to “Remembrance Day Nails with BPY40 Waterslide Decals”

  1. These are so pretty!

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