Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Review

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Review - Loose Tea Macro

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Sample Review

Tickled Tea is a new to me brand but popular in the DAVIDsTEA fan group.  I am all for supporting Canadian companies and they offer sample bags of six teas for just $10.50 Canadian.  You even get to choose which teas you want to try unlike many of the mystery envelopes out there at the moment.  Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupake was recommended to me as I like DAVIDsTEA Birthday Cake b and they are similar in flavours.  Plus, sprinkles, I love sprinkles.

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Ingredients and Steeping Instructions

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Review - Loose Tea

Ingredients: Rooibos, artificial flavouring, sprinkles

Steeping Instructions: 1 Rounded tsp per 8oz boiling (210°F) water for 5 minutes.  Many people like to cold steep this and the sprinkles do eventually melt even in cold water.

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Review - Loose Tea Macro

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Review

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Review

The 8g sample bag I got was enough for two Perfect Spoons (roughly 2.5 teaspoons each) so we could both have a tea from the sample.  There were plenty of sprinkles in both spoons of tea too.  Since I like to review at the steeping instructions recommended, I have not tried a cold steep yet but am assured it tastes more delicious and makes an amazing iced latte.  Makes sense as Birthday Cake makes a great latte, hot or cold, and they are very similar teas.

Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake Tea Review - Brewed Tea

The caffeine free rooibos is a nice base for the cake batter taste of Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake.  It has a smooth sweet vanilla taste and while the rooibos base is noticeable, not overly so.  Vanilla Cupcake, like DAVIDsTEA Birthday Cake, has a heavy vanilla scent in the loose tea.  Once steeped, it is a milder cake batter sweetness with vanilla and not quite as strong.

Both retail for $8ish for 50g and are very similar.  Birthday Cake includes red and green rooibos plus honeybush while Tickled Tea’s lists only rooibos if that makes a difference to you.  I like them both, so it is a matter of adding to the order of whichever company I am buying from at the time.  I do have a slight preference for Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake just based on the star shaped sprinkles rather than the little ice cream type sprinkles in Birthday Cake.

You can buy Tickled Tea Vanilla Cupcake here.  Shipping is available to the US and Canada.  Cost depends on the size of your order.

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