Winter Footcare Moisturizing Routine

Wainter Footcare Routine - FaceQ Milk Foot Mask - Avon Footworks Clay Mask - BodyShop Hemp Foot Protector

Wainter Footcare Routine - FaceQ Milk Foot Mask - Avon Footworks Clay Mask - BodyShop Hemp Foot Protector

While out feet may spend a lot of time in boots during the harsh Canadian winter, it is still important to keep them moisturized.  A good winter footcare routine will mean less work in spring, better feeling feet and healthier feet too.  Every so often, I do a deep exfoliation too using The Body Shop pumice line followed by a deep moisture treatment.  But for general moisturizing, I start with a clay exfoliating mask, a moistuzing bootie mask and follow with a thick moisturizer.

Avon Foot Works Lavender Clay Mask

Winter Footcare Routine - Avon Footworks Lavender Clay Mask

Avon Foot Works lavender clay mask is a gentle exfoliating mask and a relaxing part of my winter footcare routine.  It dries in about 5-10 minutes leaving your feet smooth and cool thanks the exfoliating beads (Avon doesn’t use plastic microbeads), tea tree oil, kaolin and lavender.  Once dry, you just rinse off and get ready to moisturize your newly smooth feet.

FaceQ Milk Moisturizing Foot Mask

FaceQ Milk Foot Mask - Honey and Nut - Winter Footcare Routine

FaceQ Milk Foot Mask - Honey and Nut - Winter Footcare Routine - Booties

Ignoring the obvious that this foot mask is from a face company, these are cheap but work.  They sell them for $2-3 at the local Asian food store but I have seen them at Superstore too.  Since they are a bit cheaper than ones I usually buy from Look Beauty’s Feetreat at Shoppers Drug Mart or various ones from THEFACESHOP, I don’t feel bad about using them regularly as part of my winter footcare.  Or at least my wallet doesn’t.

The booties are sealed at the top and open when you tear them apart so you don’t end up with a package full of serum that gets on the outside of the booties.  The little pink tabs with FaceQ on them peel off so you can use them to secure the bootie around your ankle.  After twenty minutes, they leave your feet nice and soft and you can rub the remaining essence in.

There is a similar foot mask from FaceQ that is a rose mask, it is not as good as the milk one and has a strong floral scent.  So look for the honey and nut milk mask.

The Body Shop Hemp Foot Protector

The Body Shop Foot Protector - Winter Footcare Routine

It may not smell as good as many of the other moisturizers at The Body Shop but their Hemp Foot Protector gives the best dose of moisture.  After your foot masks, slather some on to moisturize those really dry areas and protect your feet from the cold.

I will post my deep exfoliating routine for winter in the coming weeks too.

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One Reply to “Winter Footcare Moisturizing Routine”

  1. Thanks for sharing this information. Proper foot care is very important to your overall well-being. The hemp foot protector seems like a good idea.

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