DAVIDsTEA Dark Chocolate Delight

Davidstea Dark Chocolate Delight Review

Davidstea Dark Chocolate Delight Review

For today’s Tea Tuesday post, I am sharing a chocolate tea that is a favourite of many in various DAVIDsTEA groups.  Dark Chocolate Delight has been around for ages, but not one I tried before.  It was recommended to me as a possible replacement for my favourite, Hot Chocolate tea which was limited edition.

I generally love chocolate teas and black teas are a favourite, so I was surprised not to love this one.  Dark Chocolate Delight looks delicious with huge chunks of chocolate, cocoa shells and a generous but not overwhelming amount of black tea.  The surprise ingredient is blueberry and the chocolate is spiced which gives it a bit of a weird flavour.

Davidstea Dark Chocolate Delight

DAVIDsTEA Dark Chocolate Delight Steeping Instructions

It is easy to oversteep this one, so watch it carefully.  You want to allow the chocolate to melt but not steep the tea to the point it is bitter.  The packaging recommends 96°C for 4 to 7 minutes but it was oversteeped at 5 with plenty of time for the chocolate to melt.  Maybe the flavour of the blueberry would have come out better if I waited, who knows but it just wasn’t a comforting cup of chocolate tea.

If you want the spiced chocolate, DAVIDsTEA already offers Chocolate Chili Chai but this just didn’t live up to the hype for me.  There was no blueberry taste at all, although blueberry and chocolate seems like a bit of a weird pairing anyway.  Perhaps the sweetness of them helps counter the spices in the chocolate which reminded me of that cheap last season dollar store Easter candy but with a hint of spice.

Davidstea Dark Chocolate Delight Cup

It was also a little fudgy and greasy looking,  Maybe from the preservatives in the chocolate?  Either way, the slightly oily feel of the tea wasn’t great.  I tried it as a latte, but the oil seemed to just melt the foam.  Perhaps I got a bad batch as I know lots of people who love Dark Chocolate Delight but it just isn’t for me. Guess I will stick with rationing my Hot Chocolate and using Read My Lips instead.

2 Replies to “DAVIDsTEA Dark Chocolate Delight”

  1. Hmmm… I would have thought this one to be a winner as well; but the oily cup is a huge NO for me!

  2. This looks delicious. Blueberry and dark chocolate go so well together. Since I will have to try this one.

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