DAVIDsTEA Namastea Review

DAVIDsTEA Namastea Review

Taking a break from the 10th anniversary teas to share DAVIDsTEA Namastea since Red Velvet Cake has been available fairly recently and Namastea is new.  A green tea with valerian root, Namastea is supposed to be a calming tea.  The loose leaf seems almost wet looking and has a sweet buttery green scent. “Need a meditation […]

DAVIDsTEA Apple Custard Tea Review (10th Anniversary Tea)

DAVIDsTEA apple custard tea review

Another throwback tea from DAVIDsTEA!  This is Apple Custard from the Sweethearts Throwback part of the 10th anniversary collection release.  Described as “This might just be the most decadently creamy fruit infusion we’ve ever tasted. Seriously. It’s almost crazy how much it tastes like a warm and comforting apple pudding. Our caffeine-free blend combines sweet […]

DAVIDsTEA Chocolate Covered Almond Tea Review (10th Anniversary Tea)

DAVIDsTEA Chocolate Covered Almond Tea Review

It is going to be a tea heavy week on the blog.  I have been trying out the 10th anniversary teas and DAVIDsTEA launched even more Thrive Collection yesterday!  I thought they were slowing down on the collections, not releasing new stuff weekly?  Anyway, on to DAVIDsTEA Chocolate Covered Almond Tea. This one is a […]

DAVIDsTEA at the Grocery Store?

DAVIDsTEA at the Grocery Stores - Loblaws Partnership 2018

Good news for those who are not lucky enough to live near a DAVIDsTEA store and hate paying for shipping.  DAVIDsTEA stepped into the grocery store marketplace this month!  They have partnered with Loblaws to bring sachet packs to your local grocery store.  They are already hitting shelves of select Loblaws banner stores but more […]

DAVIDsTEA Cookie Dough Tea Review (10th Anniversary Tea)

DAVIDsTEA Cookie Dough Tea Latte Review

I have whined at DAVIDsTEA about Cookie Dough being discontinued a fair bit over the years.  They will bring back and old tea and I am all “what about Cookie Dough?” instead of just enjoying the tea.  So I was super happy when I saw it included in the 10th Anniversary collection.  DAVIDsTEA Cookie Dough […]

Redeeming Your DAVIDsTEA Frequent Steeper Rewards

Redeeming DAVIDsTEA Frequent Steeper Rewards FAQ

With the changing board at DAVIDsTEA we may see changes to their Frequent Steeper program, but in the mean time, it is almost redemption time.  Each quarter, you can redeem your DAVIDsTEA Frequent Steeper points.  They usually show as rewards around the 4th of the month following the earning quarter and are valid for 60 […]

Tim Hortons Tea At Home Tea Reviews

Tim Hortons Grocery Store Teas Review

Tim Hortons recently made their teas available in the grocery stores.  Tim Hortons Tea at Home comes in five varieties and I received four of them through my latest samplesource box.  The only one I have not tried in their Chai.   Orange Pekoe comes in larger 72 bag boxes with unsealed sachets.  They all have […]