Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches (Surreal Sparks & Shifts Dragon Box)

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches 5 - Surreal Shifts and Sparks Box

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches 2 - Surreal Sparks & Shifts Box

Today I have some swatches of Cynthia’s latest creation, Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina, a medium blue multichrome with a pinky purple shift. It is part of a collaboration box with two other makers and perfect if you love shifty polishes. The Surreal Sparks & Shifts Box is a collaboration box that features three makers with shifty polishes on a theme. The box is hosted by My Stunning Nails and is $35 with free shipping in the US and Sezzle is available. You do have to buy all three polishes as a set, they are not available separately. There is a cap of 40 sets and the pre-order box is due to ship on October 19th.

The other polishes in the box are Eragon, a deep blue with green iridescent aurora and green micro flakies by My Stunning Nails and Feel the Burn, a medium orange with strong gold shimmer and gun metal micro flakies by Music City Beauty.

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches 3 - Surreal Sparks & Shifts Box

Dramatic Drakaina leans very blue in photos but does have a beautiful pinky purple shift. The actual blue is a little warmer than my photos show, my camera just didn’t like this one. The picture of my thumb at the top is probably the closest to actual colours.

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches 1 - Surreal Sparks & Shifts Box

See the pretty pink-purple shift? So pretty when it does show! Dramatic Drakaina is shown here with three coats. It was pretty good with two but I was impatient and dragged it with top coat so had to add a third. The third one did seem to help show the shifty-ness too.

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches 5 - Surreal Sparks & Shifts Box

Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina (Surreal Sparks and Shifts Box) Overview

  • Coats required:  2-3
  • Dry time:  Good
  • Wear time: Decent, I did have some tip wear on the third day
  • Issues: None
  • Colour: medium blue multichrome with pink/purple shift
  • Buy It: exclusive to the September Surreal Sparks & Shifts box available only until September 30th.

Disclaimer: I have marked this as a press sample but am not one of the box swatchers. I received this with my other samples as an Alter Ego facebook mod.

One Reply to “Alter Ego Dramatic Drakaina Swatches (Surreal Sparks & Shifts Dragon Box)”

  1. That is lovely 😀

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