The End of Summer Nail Art & End of My Garden

End of Summer Flower Nails using Seche Calla Lilly and Born Pretty BPY36 Nail Decals Swatches

For our #CBBxManiMonday prompt this week, we chose the end of summer.  Pretty vague prompt which makes it even harder to decide what to do.  Which is how I got to Labour Day with no Mani Monday post ready.  But this morning I decided that with fall around the corner, I was giving up on my little garden boxes.  We have had a squirrel decide that our deck is a great place to hang out.  He lounges in the sun, jumps up at the window and tease the cats and digs up my plants.

Death of my garden

He also brings seeds with him which is how I went from several different coloured flowering plants to whatever that yellow mess is in the middle choking the roots of all of the other plants.

Growing my own cat grass - End of Summer

So apart from some cat grass, the garden experiment is over for the year.  This pot was full grown when I gave it to the cats this morning and Quincy has ripped it apart.  So I might have to ramp up cat grass growing.  But “Chirpy” our squirrel friend found how to get into those too – even taping a greenhouse lid onto them!

Anyway, onto the nails!  Since my garden has died along with summer days, I decided that I would do flower themed nails for my #CBBxManiMonday look.

End of Summer Flower Nails using Seche Calla Lilly and Born Pretty BPY36 Nail Decals Swatches

The base is Seche Lacquer in Calla Lily which is one of my faves for putting nail art over as it dries quickly.  Since it is Labour Day and I am lazy, it is waterslide decals this week.  Using both designs from Born Pretty’s BPY36, I mixed the two to create my look.  I think I prefer the bolder more black design with the larger flowers.

As always, head over to to see how Cosmetic ProofPrairie Beauty Love and See the World in Pink did with this end of summer challenge.

8 Replies to “The End of Summer Nail Art & End of My Garden”

  1. So cute! Love the stamping! Is it bad that I actually think this squirrel sounds adorable?!

    1. He keeps Daisy amused, but unlike the one last year that got into the walls, doesn’t cause too much damage other than my plants

  2. These decals are so cute! I really like the color combination!

    1. Thanks, it is a pity the decals were slightly yellowed. Calla Lily is not a super bright white anyway but with so much white space, the yellowed colouring was noticeable

  3. Red, black and white is such a classic color combo and you’ve combined them in such a cute way. I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer yet but I will be happy when the squirrels are done digging in my little flower pots.

    1. I realized today that I have some berries growing in there now, he is planning ahead I guess

  4. What a cute mani!

  5. What stunning decals, wow!

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