The Other 12 Days of Blogmas

12 Other Days of Blogmas 2017 - Blogging Goals

12 Other Days of Blogmas 2017 - Blogging Goals

If NaBloPoMo has taught me anything, it is that my life is fairly hectic for planning a post a day.  Thirty posts in a month is one thing, ensuring you have one every day is another.  I have no issues getting 4-5 posts a week up and have even managed 30 in a month before without planning to do that many.  So posting every day in December for Blogmas is not going to happen.  So I am joining the Other 12 Days of Blogmas challenge.  Instead of posting every day, you post every 2nd day through December and do 12 behind the scenes blog tasks.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 1: Plan Your Blogmas Posts

The first is obviously to plan your Blogmas posts.  So twelve holiday themed posts.  Expect some holiday nail looks and last minute gift guides!

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 2: Update Your Media Kit

Since November is the top performing months for many bloggers, it is a great time to update your media kit, so I chose this as my second task for the other 12 days of Blogmas.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 3: Set Social Goals For 2018

I tend not to set a number of followers because it is a let down when you don’t meet it.  But I can set goals for how often I post and interacting more.  This has been a bit of a downside to NaBloPoMo as it coincided with being really busy and social media has suffered.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 4: Check For Broken Links

I have wanted to update some of my pages for some time as I know they have broken links.  I used to have a plugin but it would strike through all of my affiliate or tracking links as they do not go directly to a page.  So time to find another plugin or day 4 of the other 12 days of Blogmas will take forever with over 500 posts and multiple links in each.

social media blogmas days

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 5: Update Your About Me Page

Always a good idea as I found mine earlier this year had rolled back to a much earlier version with very low stats.  But I usually do it when I update my media kit so an easy day for me.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 6: Contact Two New Brands

I feel like December is a terrible time to do this since they have sent out stuff to bloggers in November for holiday gift guides.  But I may contact two I bought from recently and blogged myself just to link them to the post and introduce myself without asking for anything right now.  If you want some tips on getting more PR, see the feedback from PR companies for the Canadian Beauty Bloggers Network Blog Better twitter party.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 7: Update an Old Trending Article

I have actually done this a few times this year.  But a good time to do so again.  I have a few that randomly started getting hits again with holiday traffic and a few directory style pages that  need updating.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 8: Set Blogging Goals For 2018

Well I know the first one is never to try posting every day again!   Honestly, I think I will just keep doing what I did this year.  My traffic has grown, I have connected with new brands.  It is working for me.  I do want to start including some more lifestyle and non beauty/tea posts though.

Blogmas Plan January Content

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 9: Plan January Content

With the holidays, planning ahead for January can often be overlooked.  So this task is a good one.  A little easier for nail bloggers I find as we can just do winter themed nails.  But who wants to see them every day?

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 10: Comment on 10 Blogs

That shouldn’t be too hard, I wish I had it earlier in the month when I am reading more to share on the @bbloggersCA twitter though.  I hate commenting for the sake of commenting, but comments make others blogs look engaged so…

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 11: Refresh Your Template

I recently updated mine to match my new pretty purple header, but a good time to check that all plugins and widgets etc are working.  That there are no broken links on the main page etc.

The Other 12 Days of Blogmas 12: Thank Readers & PR For Their Support

I usually post something to end the year, so this is a little early.  But sending PR a note without being #gimmefreestuff is always nice too.

So, what are you planning for Blogmas?

One Reply to “The Other 12 Days of Blogmas”

  1. That is a great challenge and way to organize and stay on top of everything.

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