Blogolympics Blogging Challenge – Winter 2018 Olympics

Blogolympics 2018 - 17 Day Blogging Challenge During The 2018 Winter Olympics

Blogolympics 2018 - 17 Day Blogging Challenge During The 2018 Winter Olympics

My December challenge did not go as planned, so I have joined the Blogolympics!  Many people are doing different things for the Blogolympics.  Some are doing sport type challenges.  Others are doing winter themed ideas.  I went with 17 days of blog organization to help me stay on track.  The Blogolympics runs from February 9th to 25th for the duration of the winter 2018 Olympics.

Blogolympics: The Opening Ceremonies & Early Days

  • Friday 9th February: Check your analytics and update at least one older well performing post.  Add better photos, an updated review and any keywords you think may help.  I have cringed at some older posts when doing this before so good timing to go through them.
  • Saturday 10th February: Write an extra post for the coming week.  If you usually do one, do a second etc.
  • Sunday 11th February: Do that post you have been meaning to do forever.  Not sure what this will be for me.  Maybe some nail posts showing my horrible weak nails.

blogging challenge 2018 blogolympics

Blogolympics: Days 4-10

  • Monday 12th February: Clean up your sidebars.  Make sure your widgets are all working and get rid of any outdated items.  Make sure all of your social media accounts are shown because many bloggers hide them on about me pages or under popups!
  • Tuesday 13th February: Schedule posts for social media.  The latest algorithms left you not interested in social media?  Time to get back on track.  Share some posts, tag the included brands and try to beat that stupid algorithm showing just ads and large brands.
  • Wednesday 14th February: Tidy up and refresh your theme.  Sometimes plugins or wordpress changes make things not work quite as they used to.  Clean up your footer, no one scrolls that far anyway!  Give your blog theme or header a facelift to make it more modern, fresh and uncluttered.
  • Thursday 15th February: Step out of your comfort zone.  Show your face if you don’t usually.  Try a video if you usually blog.  Write about something you usually would not.  Just change it up!
  • Friday 16th February: Update your about me page and widget.  Especially if you have information for PR and brands.  Make sure your up to date stats are in your media kit.  Even if you have updated it, double check.  Mine somehow reverted mid last year and my stats were so outdated (aww at some point I was soooo happy to get 1000 UMV I actually included it)
  • Saturday 17th February: Write an extra post for the coming week.  If you usually do one, do a second etc.  You get this one every Saturday!
  • Sunday 18th February:  Check Google Webmaster Tools for search analytics.  It gives a much better search list than Analytics.  Update posts with relevant search terms to help your blog rank.  Plus use it to decide what topics work for your blog and interest your readers and plan future posts around them (yay time for shopping for content).

blogging challenge winter 2018 blogolympics

Blogolympics: Days 11-17

  • Monday 19th February:  Actually engage with other bloggers or your readers.  Don’t just share your blog posts, converse and make some blogger friends.  While there are some bad apples out there, many are super friendly and love to chat.  Comment on some blogs, follow some new accounts.  Help out some friends hit by the Youtube Demonitization saga.
  • Tuesday 20th February: Check Analytics to see which posts get the most pageviews.  If you do well with those posts, similar ones will work for your blog again so plan some March posts around them (more shopping if you want!)
  • Wednesday 21st February: Check your links work and go to active websites.  Sometimes affiliate links or referrals break over time or linked sites change URLs or shut down.  You can use a plugin to check all links but at least make sure all of the ones on your homepage are active.
  • Thursday 22nd February: The Olympics may be global but give a local brand some love with a post.  These smaller indie companies appreciate any advertising they can get.
  • Friday 23rd February: Contact a brand you would love to work with or a PR company and pitch an idea.  You might finally get on that list you have wanted to be on forever.
  • Saturday 24th February: You know what to do… time for an extra blog post for next week!  Extra posts give you the chance for extra traffic!
  • Sunday 25th: Start planning your content for March so you are not scrambling and enjoy the Closing Ceremonies!

Taking part? Share your content with #blogolympics!

One Reply to “Blogolympics Blogging Challenge – Winter 2018 Olympics”

  1. What a great and fun idea for keeping on top of regular blog maintenance!

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