The final of the soup teas from DAVIDsTEA, Rosemary Black Pepper. If you missed out on my reviews of Tomato Turmeric or Spicy Rasam, go read them now! This one was the one I did not expect to like based on my personal preferences. I expected just peppery water with rosemary which doesn’t sound super appealing.
DAVIDsTEA Rosemary Black Pepper Soup Tea Ingredients: Salt, tomato, dandelion, black pepper, rosemary, basil, green tea, garlic, silicon dioxide
I was glad to see tomato as an ingredient in this as I was thinking it would be too herby. It looks like it has a fair amount of tomato but the flavour doesn’t come through as much as it looks.
If you are using the to-go cup, it has a smaller sample so add 10oz/300ml water instead of the 16oz/475ml in the instructions. I tried mine as a hearty soup tea to get the full taste.
The small to-go cups come with a sample bag inside so completely sealed and cost $3 while you can grab a larger bag to make multiple soup teas at home for $12. Each soup has a different coloured to-go cup and matching spoon. So you can sip it as a savoury tea or drink it as a heartier soup tea with the spoon.
My initial taste of DAVIDsTEA Rosemary Black Pepper was pretty much what I expected. Peppery herby water with a stock cube type base. So I added some rice and leftover ham. The rice soaked up some of the base and it worked a little better for me. But like the others, I think this may be better
At only 5 calories and 20% of your daily sodium intake, it is a good low calorie meal but just not to my personal taste preferences. Like the others, I think it may be better as a clear broth. It is a bit too peppery for me and there is a sludge of ingredients at the bottom that never seemed to mix well. Overall, Tomato Turmeric is the only one I would buy again, should they be available as they are limited edition.