DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake Tea Review

DavidsTea Lemon Pound Cake Review Header

DavidsTea Lemon Pound Cake Review Header

We had a teaser of DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake last year so I was happy to see it back as the March Tea of the Month.  The ingredients look to be the same as last year but for some reason, I remember it being lighter in colour.  Maybe a false memory but the taste is still there.  This is one of the teas I do always add a sweetener to, at least in the first steep.  I also love it as a latte which brings out more of the pound cake and less just lemon oolong flavour,

DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake Oolong Tea Ingredients & Steeping Instructions

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Ingredients: Oolong tea, lemongrass, lemon peel, sunflower blossom, white hibiscus blossom, natural and artificial pound cake and lemon flavour.

Steeping Instructions: 1 perfect spoon per 16oz hot (167℉ – 176℉ or 75℃ – 80℃) water.  Steep for 4-7 minutes.  Personally, I find 4 minutes plenty on the first steep, I do 7-10 minutes on subsequent steeps with just a little more of the tea added to bring out the lemon flavour.

I have mentioned this before, but my Keurig gives perfect “hot” temperature water for oolongs and greens if you don’t have a variable temperature kettle.  I think that too hot water could really kill this one (as can a long steeping time on the first steep_).

DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake Review

DavidsTea Lemon Pound Cake Review 6

Out of the bag, the loose leaf Lemon Pound Cake tea has a strong lemon scent.  Like wake you up lemon scent.  The lemon is certainly more pronounced than the oolong in the brewed tea too.  Not a bad thing, you still get a hint of oolong to round out the lemony taste.  Without sweetener, I am not sure how “lemon pound cake” compared to just lemon it tastes.  It has a bit of a buttery taste compared to most Citron/Lemon Oolongs I have tried.  Just not cakey like many of DAVIDsTEA’s dessert teas.

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As a latte however, this is one of my favourite teas.  A hint of sweetener and the creamy taste added by the latte milk and this is a true dessert tea.  Like you can really skip dessert.  Not that I didn’t munch on the lemon cake in my photos as I drank it after this photo shoot.  But you know, you could skip it.

DavidsTea Lemon Pound Cake Review 1

Sure, it may have been hard to go natural with this one.  It is zero calorie with the cakey taste but I wish they had added more natural flavours and a sweetener.  I mean, I can give up a few calories to my tea for a decent cuppa.  I find that some people try the first sip of this and hate the strong lemon taste.  It needs some time and sugar to subside in order to get the full Lemon Pound Cake taste.

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Have you tried the 2017 DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake tea and the one last year?  Do you think they taste the same?  Love it or hate it?  Personally, I hope it is sticking around for the rest of the year like many previous tea of the month teas did.

Disclosure Purchased

Mug is from President’s Choice (and under $5!), lemon cake from La Rocca, dessert plate with cup holder from a company named Shallow Ice by S&A (and I am sure you recognize a DAVIDsTEA perfect spoon since it is in most of my tea review images and measures the perfect amount of tea).

2 Replies to “DAVIDsTEA Lemon Pound Cake Tea Review”

  1. Rebecca Sz.R. says: Reply

    I really enjoy this one! Have to try it as a latte. It’s great mixed with Vanilla Swirl as well.

  2. This tea tastes sinfully delicious.

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