Born Pretty Store BP-W19 Decals Over Quo Color Ampd Best Dressed

Born Pretty BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals with Quo Best Dressed

Born Pretty Store BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals for Nails Top Design

Most water decals need a white base or have a coloured base themselves.  So what about putting them over coloured polishes?  If you use a light colour, they can work.  The colours will not be as bright as on white, but something glittery can give some oompf.  I tried the top turquoise and purple design from Born Pretty’s BP W19 water decals over Quo Best Dressed from the Color Amp’d Line.  This glittery metallic silver is perfect as a base for decals.

Born Pretty Store BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals for Nails Instructions

I already reviewed the other design from this set, so I won’t go into a pile of detail but the basics

  • They are fairly delicate so be super careful if using tweezers
  • The instructions have terrible English but you get the idea.  Armour oil is top coat?
  • They come with enough to do a full mani on both hands but are not great for super wide nails – or 10 accent nails
  • Need a white or light coloured base colour as they are transparent
  • Be careful using top coat as it can melt/smudge the delicate decals

Born Pretty Store BP W19 Water Decal Swatches

Born Pretty BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals with Quo Best Dressed

Shown here with a base of two coats Quo by Ory Color Ampd Best Dressed.  The Born Pretty BP W19 water decals show fairly well over the base colour.

Born Pretty BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals with Quo Best Dressed

You can see some of the shimmer of Best Dressed through the decal as the colour is not completely opaque.  The colours look perfect with a silver base.

Born Pretty Store BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals with Quo Best Dressed and Paparazzi

Pair it by using the decals as an accent and use colours from the BP W19 design on your other fingers like Quo by Orly Paparazzi here.

Born pretty BP W19 Turquoise and Purple Water Decals with Quo Best Dressed and Rooftop Lounge

Or for a bolder look, with Quo by Orly Rooftop Lounge here which matches the turquoise blue in the decals.

You can buy these BP W19 nail decals direct from the Born Pretty Store here. As always, coupon code HNEX31 can be used to save 10% on your order.

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