Watermarble Nailart – Day 20 #31DC2016

31DC2016 Day 20 - watermarble swatch

Have I told you how much I hate watermarbles.  I am completely on Simply Nailogical’s side of the debate on watermarbles.  They are some kind of witchery that I just suck at.  I have made one decent watermarble in my life, the only one that I would wear out of the house.  But Day 20 of the #31DC2016 nail art challenge calls for one so I gave it a try.

31DC2016 Day 20 - watermarble swatch

I mean, it is not terrible compared to my usual attempts at watermarbling, I actually quite like the middle finger with more blue showing but meh.  It is just so much work and cleanup and never looks perfect (and check out my broken ring finger nail AGAIN, this is why I should not do dishes, I broke a nail turning off the faucet while wearing gloves!).

Polishes used are Essence The Gel Indian Summer and That’s What I Mint, Bourjois So Lacque Adora Blue (middle finger when I realized too much water was on the mint brush), Zoya Mira and a base of Essence Wild White Ways to make the colours pop.

Quo by Orly Color Ampd Rooftop Lounge Swatch Stamping Pueen Fancy Lover Watermarble Stamping Image

Since I didn’t love my actual watermarble,I give you exhibit B – stamped watermarbling using a Pueen plate from my Love Box 02 set.  This is my kind of water-marble nailart!  I just need to attempt it using more colours somehow even though it is curved.

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