Essie Coat Couture Swatches + Nailart

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art - Swatch

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art - Swatch

Continuing with the alphabet series, I have Essie’s Coat Couture from the Cashmere Matte collection which will always be a favourite of mine.  It is a grey-purple matte with blue shimmer that looks amazing matte or with a shiny top coat.  I love the dusty look of the purple because it makes Coat Couture so wearable.

The first coat of this is really patchy.  Not unusual for Essie polishes or mattes in general but it levels out in the second coat for full opacity with no major brush strokes.  Dry time is great and for a matte polish, it wears well.  Shown here with one coat of Essence’s Satin Matte top coat, it kept the beautiful shimmer while staying matte and chip free.

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art - Supplies

A friend had mentioned that Mariposa’s polishes were great for stamping.  This was definitely true of the first set I reviewed so I picked up this set with a gold polish to try.  Sadly, it is not as opaque and while it stamped on well, the colour doesn’t come through as much as I would have hoped.

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art - Stamped Swatch

Essie Coat Couture Nail Art - Macro

It kinda looks pretty like that though, as the blue from Coat Couture shows through a bit under the stamped polish.  I used Shany’s SH225 stamp plate for this design which is just random patches.

Some of the other members of the Canadian Beauty Bloggers Network are also doing the alphabet nails challenge and you can see their posts here:

9 Replies to “Essie Coat Couture Swatches + Nailart”

  1. Oh wow, this shade looks fantastic on your skin tone! I think I need it now!

  2. The blue shimmer in this is really great! I just wish it was a tad more prevalent.

  3. That Essie is really gorgeous!

  4. Such a pretty polish! Although the stamping might not have been what you hoped for, I still love it, it’s nice and subtle and chique!

  5. wowza. I love the essie + stamping.

  6. Gorgeous! I have this whole collection but haven’t used them yet. I’m so afraid the formula is going to be terrible like most Essies. haha

    1. I had it sitting unused for ages too until I saw someone wearing it and asked them what it was. It has been a staple since

  7. Cute! I have a love/hate realationship with essie

  8. I adore the Cashmere Mattes Collection too! Definitely one of my all-time favs. 🙂

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