Floral Nail Stamping With Zoya Leslie and Mira

Zoya Leslie Mira Floral Nail Art

Zoya Leslie Mira Floral Nail Art

As I am going through my polishes, sorting for the move and getting rid of old ones, I came across Zoya Leslie.  A beautiful soft lavender with a blue shimmer undertone that is perfect for spring.  No surprise there as Leslie was part of the 2015 Spring Delight collection released in time for last Easter.  I paired it with Zoya Mira for some floral nail art.

Zoya Leslie Mira Floral Nail Art supplies

There were quite a few stamps in my MoYou The Pro 06 plate that I hadn’t tried out yet, so it seemed like a great opportunity.  I knew Mira stamped well as I used it in my bee themed nail art using the same stamping plate and the purple hues of Leslie and Mira go well together.

You can pick up MoYou plates online from the UK or through Trade Secrets in Canada, but the selection is more limited here.  Zoya ships direct but you will pay international processing so check out Nail Polish Canada for stock if you are not lucky enough for have a local salon that stocks them.

Zoya Leslie Mira Floral Nail Art thumb

See that beautiful turquoise blue shimmer in Zoya Leslie? Beautiful!  This polish has been hiding away all winter, but expect to see quite a bit of it now the weather is warmer.  It doesn’t show especially well under the stamping in my images, but in bright sunlight, the shimmer coming through with the nail art just makes the look sparkle.

I am not a huge fan of the stamp used on my middle finger, at least not combined with the other stamps which have less coverage, but it was the one I wanted to test so I was stuck with it.  It does look great when all nails are done with that stamp though.  Mira works really well for stamping through, it is opaque and dries quickly with no smudging from top coat.

11 Replies to “Floral Nail Stamping With Zoya Leslie and Mira”

  1. I have just recently picked up a few different nail stamping kits, including the MoYou. Wondering if you had to do any prep before using them for the first time? I tried out one kit and once I did one stamp, I can’t seem to get that image to work again. I have cleaned the plate with remover so there isn’t any polish stuck in it. Any tips on stamping would be great!

    1. Sandie, I found the same using the actual stamper that came with the MoYou kit and it is a bit to soft to prime well to make the image transfer better. Although, I have owned previous MoYou stampers without the same problems so not sure if it is just the one that comes in these kits
      I have a review of the kit here: http://teaandnailpolish.com/2015/11/moyou-london-nail-art-stamping-kits-review/
      and how to prime a stamp here: http://teaandnailpolish.com/2016/01/how-to-prime-a-nail-stamp-head-with-a-magic-eraser/

      Personally, I am a huge fan of the Messy Mansion stamper, it is the right amount of firm and squish for me and I never have issues with the transfer using it http://www.nailpolishcanada.com/products/purple-rectangular-stamper-w-metal-scraper-by-messy-mansion.html

  2. This manicure is so soft and pretty.

  3. Oh that Zoya! <3 I love shimmer that actually is visible on the nail! LOL

    1. Zoya’s shimmery polishes just have to be bought LOL

  4. Oh my, Eithne, this is so pretty! I mean, I’m a sucker for everything purple but when I saw this I think my face turned into the heart-eyes emoji

    1. Thanks Jodi, Leslie is one of my fave Zoya polishes but it can’t hurt to add a little something

  5. It’s so pretty! And purple, so this mani is a total winner in my book!

  6. This is so pretty – I can never get enough purple!

  7. This color pairing is beautiful!! I love this manicure! Beautiful job.

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