Tea Leaf Co Review

Tea Leaf Co Teas Review

Tea Leaf Co Teas Review

After tea and makeup, chocolate comes a close third in things I love.  So when Tea Leaf Co offered to send me some tea with chocolate in it, I could not say no!  They chose three teas for me based on the types of tea I typically like, Spirit, Life is a Box of Chocolates and My Funny Valentine.  These have been sitting there taunting me since I received them as I was sick and could not smell or taste them.  It would have hardly been a good review to say they were warm so it has taken me a while to try them.  This also means I am no longer sick of cinnamon from all of the Christmas teas so enjoyed My Funny Valentine more than I would have in December.

Tea Leaf Co – My Funny Valentine Tea

Tea Leaf Co My Funny Valentine Loose

Since I mentioned My Funny Valentine, I will start with that.  It is an organic cinnamon and chocolate black tea with plain ingredients – black tea, cinnamon, cacao nibs, cacao liquor, raw cane sugar, sunflower lecithin, natural essences.  While the cinnamon taste is definitely present, it does not kill the tea like some of the Christmas ones I tried and you can still taste the chocolatey goodness.  It is sweet enough for a dessert tea, but not overly sweet that you couldn’t drink it for a regular tea (I will admit to a cup at breakfast).

Tea Leaf Co – Spirit Tea


Tea Leaf Co Spirit Tea Loose

I go through phases where I either love or can’t stand Earl Grey teas, I have not had any in the house for a while but Spirit is delicious.  The addition of orange and vanilla.  This is not your typical Earl Grey, while not quite a creme, it has that creamier quality and the vanilla and orange makes the bergamot more palatable for those who dislike Earl Grey teas because of it.  The cornflower doesn’t seem to add much flavour but they look adorable in the tea and the blue and orange just brightens up a cold day.

Tea Leaf Co – Life Is A Box of Chocolates Tea

Tea Leaf Co Life Is A Box of Chocolates Loose Tea


More chocolate!  And yes, I totally walked around quoting Forrest Gump after receiving this tea even though the title is a little off!  Life is a Box of Chocolates is made from tea (Camellia Sinensis), cinnamon, cacao nibs, cardamom, cloves, anise, rooibos, natural essences.  Again, plain ingredients you can pronounce with cocao nibs to get that chocolate fix without the calories.  Because chocolate in tea does not count, even when it is melted chocolate chips in other teas!  This chai mix is a great starter tea for someone looking to broaden their tea collection, none of the ingredients overpower the others and it has a nice woody flavour.

You can shop Tea Leaf Co here.  Shop by January 31st and save $5 on your order with promo code TeaandNailPolish

One Reply to “Tea Leaf Co Review”

  1. Yum! I love the sounds of all these. But, I have to say, the sounds of My Funny Valentine has definitely won me over. I’ll need to get some 🙂

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