What Is in Store For 2016

2016 resolutions

2016 resolutions

2015 was not a great year for me, and not one I wan’t to dwell on with where things went wrong.  2016 started with me in bed sick for the first week, so way behind in posting my goals for 2016.  Hopefully, that is not a sign of things to come.  Being sick gave me a head start on losing weight though, so not all bad, but way behind on some things I wanted to do in January.

Broaden My Blog Focus

While many bloggers are saying they want to get back to their roots, I feel like many of my posts became just nail polish, tea, subscription boxes and bath products.  As the title says, “these are a few of my favourite things”.  I want to get back to posting about the random things I love too, from recipes to the cats as well as my addiction to beauty products.

popsugar 2016 reading challenge

2016 Reading Challenge

So I sucked at the 2015 one.  I started off with great intentions, and did read more, but did not stick to the list and broaden my reading.  Instead, I found an author I had not tried before and read all 23 of her books.  The topics for the 2016 Popsugar reading challenge also seem a little easier than 2015 – or at least more stuff I would like to read.

Nail Art

While I probably pushed the envelope with my nail polish at work, over the top nail art would not be appreciated.  One of the few good things about no longer working there is I can wear whatever nail polish I like.  Since I am not limited by having to remove nail art I spent hours on for Monday morning, I want to feature more nail art in 2016.

Buy Less

I will admit to being a bit of a shopaholic.  While not working full time, I want to focus on what I need or really want rather than that OMG must have the entire new collection of whatever product.  With rising grocery prices, get back into meal planning which helps me to eat healthier foods too.

Part of this means I will be going through products I love but have never featured on the blog.  Some of them I have even photographed and made notes, just never bothered to actually post – so expect pictures where my nails change length or I go from pink summer skin to ghostly white winter skin!

Finally, I want to spend more time on me and be happier.  2015 really got me down and I want to concentrate on doing things for me and not for others in 2016.  Not that I want to be selfish, but a happier me is probably more useful and fun to be around.

2 Replies to “What Is in Store For 2016”

  1. These are great goals! Love the sound of that reading challenge, I think I may try it myself! I hope 2016 turns out better for you!

  2. It sounds as if you are on the right path to a great year to come.
    Be good to yourself and do what makes you happy!

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