Alter Ego Stone by Day, Warrior by Night Swatches

Alter Ego Stone by Day Warrior By Night Swatches 3

Alter Ego Stone by Day Warrior By Night Swatches 3

Alter Ego Stone by Day, Warrior by Night is a group custom for the Alter Ego fan group on Facebook. Cynthia held a contest for a group member to choose the inspiration behind a polish. This was just before I became a mod so I didn’t swatch it at the time and this has been sitting in my collection for a while. I had planned on a #CBBxManiMonday post today that didn’t work out, so you get a swatch of this instead. Hopefully I can redo my experimental themed mani for later in the week.

Alter Ego Stone by Day Warrior By Night Swatches 1

Originally available as a group custom for June 2019, like most of her polishes, Cynthia made this one permanent (as long as she can get ingredients). Stone by Day, Warrior by Night is based on the Disney Gargoyles show. Don’t remember it? Take a trip down memory lane with this preview of it. If you are like me, you will fall down a black hole of watching 90s cartoons on YouTube (sorry, not sorry).

Swatches of Stone by Day, Warrior by Night by Alter Ego

Alter Ego Stone by Day Warrior By Night Swatches 2
Depending on light, the base of this looks grey to cornflower blue. It is loaded with darker blue flakies and shimmer with just a touch of some coloured shimmer or holo in there too. I got an occasional spark of pink in sunlight. You can see them in the bottle here.

Alter Ego Stone by Day Warrior By Night Swatches 4

It is quite light dependent and will appear more blue in some lighting and more grey in others. I couldn’t pick up the pink sparks on the nail in photos, but you do see them even in normal lighting conditions.

Alter Ego Stone by Day, Warrior by Night Overview

  • Coats required:  Three, I see some visible nail line under my lights but not in normal lighting.
  • Dry time:  good
  • Wear time: Good, I wore this for four days with just tip wear, no chips
  • Issues: none
  • Colour: grey to cornflower blue base with blue flakies
  • Buy It: $10 US. Buy direct from Alter Ego. Since this is a group custom, you do need to be a member of the Alter Ego EgoManiacs Facebook group to purchase. Enter coupon code TEANAILPOLISH to save 20% on your purchase.

One Reply to “Alter Ego Stone by Day, Warrior by Night Swatches”

  1. It is pretty 😀

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