Alter Ego Blackberry Looper & In Mint Condition 2.0

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Swatches 3

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Bottle

Blackberry Looper is Alter Ego’s November 2019 colour of the month. Unlike many indie brands, Cynthia’s CotM sticks around for as long as she can get the ingredients to make it. Blackberry Looper is named for the green moth and has dusty sage tones while still having some golden tones in there as well. It has a chromed finish so does show some brush strokes but it isn’t terrible for them.

Alter Ego Blackberry Looper Swatches

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Swatches 2

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Swatches 1

All swatches are shown with two coat plus She Shines top coat. Up close, you can see a little of the blue shimmer in the polish. I didn’t wear this one long enough to test wear time, but Alter Ego generally wears well on my nails. No issues with the formula apart from some brush strokes and removal was easy.

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Swatches 3

Alter Ego Black Berry Looper Swatches 4

Alter Ego Blackberry Looper (November 2019 Colour of the Month) Overview

  • Coats required:  2 coats for opacity (I usually need a third, but this was quite opaque)
  • Dry time:  Good
  • Wear time: Untested
  • Issues: None but as with most chrome type polishes, shows some brush strokes
  • Colour: Metallic sagey green with a soft green and blue shimmer
  • Buy It: $10 US. Buy direct from Alter Ego.

Alter Ego In Mint Condition 2.0

Alter Ego In Mint Condition Lotion - November 2019 Product of the Month

Cynthia has also been releasing a product of the month and her latest is In Mint Condition. Based on her new formula for Undercover 2.0 which is more heat stable than the old one, In Mint Condition lotion has menthol and peppermint, perfect for winter. The menthol is stronger than the peppermint and it also has an almost herbal scent to it that I think comes from the Palmarosa Oil in the Undercover 2.0 base.

Rather than heavy tubs, Undercover 2.0 and In Mint Condition now come in lotion bags.  The bonus is that they are more sterile as you just squeeze out what you need. The ingredients are coconut oil, unrefined shea butter, grapeseed oil, palamrosa oil, baking soda, stearic acid, and In Mint Condition, menthol, essential peppermint oil. Lots of moisturizing oils. It is a more intensive lotion and doesn’t soak in right away so I use it more at night than through the day.

The menthol scent is strong. Not a tub of Vicks strong, but you won’t get away with this in an unscented work place. I can smell it from my feet after use and on my hands, still get whiffs of menthol even 30+ minutes after use. But is super moisturizing so great for dry skin and rough areas like feet, knees and elbows.

Alter Ego In Mint Condition Lotion - November Product of the Month

Alter Ego In Mint Condition (November 2019 Product of the Month) Overview

  • Product Type:  Intensive lotion in a bag. Undercover 2.0 has no scent added but does have some scent from the Palmarosa oil. In Mint Condition has menthol and peppermint added to the Undercover 2.0 base.
  • Ingredients: coconut oil, unrefined shea butter, grapeseed oil, palamrosa oil, baking soda, stearic acid, and In Mint Condition, menthol, essential peppermint oil.
  • Buy It: Direct from Alter Ego. Available in 4oz and 7oz lotion bags (not sure if the mini bag I tried is available but it is a great purse size)

One Reply to “Alter Ego Blackberry Looper & In Mint Condition 2.0”

  1. Gorgeous green <3

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