Mini Eggs Easter Nail Art

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art with Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeves

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art - Polishes Used

My #CBBxManiMonday nails this week are just a excuse to munch on a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs over the weekend!  We are doing Easter nails this week and I always get myself a bag of Mini Eggs for Easter, so makes sense that my nails should match.

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art - Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeves Matte

Polishes used are all from the Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeves collection.

  • Brown: Turtle Tootsie Polish Cover Your Mouth When You Cough!
  • Pink: Turtle Tootsie Polish  Don’t Touch My Stuff!
  • Blue: Turtle Tootsie Polish Your Car Needs One Space Not Two!
  • Green: Turtle Tootsie Polish There, They’re, They Are, Their – Use Proper Grammar!
  • Yellow: Turtle Tootsie Polish Tailgating Makes Me Drive Slower!

Two coats of all except yellow which needed a third due to a few bald spots.  Pretty good opacity as my ring finger often needs a third coat.  Don’t Touch My Stuff is shown with an extra coat as I hit it before it was dry and smudged it.

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art - My Indie Polish My Perfect Matte

Once the base colours were done, I used various sized brushes, a small dotter and toothpicks to dot on the brown polish, Turtle Tootsie Polish Cover Your Mouth When You Cough! over each.  Topped with my favourite matte top coat, My Indie Polish My Perfect Matte to look more like the candy.  Then (carefully) helped myself to some actual Mini Eggs while my nails dried.

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art with Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeves

As always, I do #CBBxManiMonday with some other bloggers.  So head over to see  how Cosmetic ProofPrairie Beauty Love and See the World in Pink did with this challenge.

Mini Eggs Nail Art CBBxManiMonday Easter Nail Art - Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeves

Did Mini Eggs have splotches?  Maybe it is Eggies?  Which do you prefer?  Am I crazy thinking their had spots?

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