When I first heard of the6tea, their All That Jazz tea immediately caught my attention (and ruined my tea ban). With a cat named Jazz, how could I resist right? I even made him pose for a photo with it! He obviously thinks it is delicious. The6Tea All That Jazz is a New Orleans inspired rooibos with notes of vanilla, bourbon and almond to get your taste buds dancing. I bought this as part of their sampler package which includes 4 teas for $4.99 including shipping Canada wide.
The6Tea All That Jazz Tea Steeping Instructions & Ingredients
Ingredients: Rooibos, almond pieces, calendula petals, and natural flavours.
Steeping instructions: Steep at 100C/212F for 3-7 minutes. The samples are 5g each, for All That Jazz, this was enough for a little over a DAVIDsTEA Perfect Spoon. They recommend using one packet with 7oz boiling water but it had plenty of flavour with 12oz with the full 7 minutes.
The6Tea All That Jazz Tea Review
Using a steeper,some loose bits still managed to get through but it is not overly dusty. The6Tea All That Jazz tea brews to a nice amber colour. The flavour is mostly rooibos and none of the notes are overwhelming. There is a slightly nutty almond taste with a hint of warmth and sweetness from the vanilla. I hate teas where the vanilla is very in your face and perfumey. This was just right for me, but did have extra water.
Even as a latte, it still had plenty of flavour. Sadly, my frother broke and the whole mason jar thing does not make froth the same so a lame latte today. Plus, no extra milk to attract Daisy from wherever she is sleeping but you get a bonus Jazzy shot anyway. This is a great tea for those who are not big tea drinkers. No bitter aftertaste, sweet and great as a latte!