DAVIDsTEA Sweet Almond Green Tea Review

DavidsTea Sweet Almond Green Tea Review

DavidsTea Sweet Almond Green Tea Review

I know that many people do not like the grassy mixture of the green tea and sweet almond/marzipan taste in DAVIDsTEA’s Sweet Almond Green tea but it is one I really like.  As I am getting down to the bottom of my bag of it, I realized that I had never reviewed it and probably should in case I don’t pick up another bag right away.

DavidsTea Sweet Almond Green Tea Review

Sweet Almond Green is an organic tea containing green tea, almonds, marigold flowers, and cornflower petals with natural almond flavouring.  The green tea gives it that typical grassy taste while the almonds give it a sweeter marzipan taste countered with some astringency from the marigold.  From previous reviews, you know I will typically love anything with cornflower petals in it, the blue just looks so pretty even if they add very little taste to a tea.

DavidsTea Sweet Almond Green Tea Review - Loose Macro

I will say that when I first received a sample of David’s Tea Sweet Almond Green tea, I left it in the cupboard for a while.  It has a strong scent of fake almond extract that just did not seem appealing.  Then one day, when out of my usual green, I thought I would try it and really liked it.  It has a fair amount of flower petals to offset the green tea and chunks of almond rather than the almond extract I thought I could smell.  The green tea is a nice mix of wider pieces and long pieces to give a good base without being too grassy.  I could see the mix working better with something lighter, maybe an oolong tea for those who are not a fan of the green tea base.

DavidsTea Sweet Almond Green Tea Review - Brewed

David’s Tea Sweet Almond Green Tea Steeping Instructions

  • 1.25 tsp per 8oz
  • 85°C / 185°F
  • 3-4 minutes

While I do not usually add a sweetener to teas, I do find that a tiny amount of agave or honey helps with the astringency of this tea.  It does have some sweetness itself, but a slightly dry aftertaste that is not for everyone.  Steeping at slightly lower than the recommended temperature helps too, about 80°C for 3 minutes works for me.

I can see why it was included in the DAVIDsTEA advent calendar, it does get that almond cookie taste (without the buttery crunch of an almond cookie).  I am tempted to try making almond cookies with a green tea just to see if it works out.

3 Replies to “DAVIDsTEA Sweet Almond Green Tea Review”

  1. I love this tea! Good thing too cause I had it on my Christmas wishlist and received 4 bags, lol!
    I really enjoy the almond sweetness in it.

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      I wasn’t allowed more tea at Christmas, now I am running low(er), he will be sorry because I will have to buy it instead of getting tea gifts LOL

  2. Angela Bursch says: Reply

    This sounds very good!

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