Fall Nail Art #CBBOctNails Day 3

Fall Nail Art #CBBOctNails Tree Nail Art

Fall Nail Art #CBBOctNails Tree Nail Art

Another day of #CBBOctNails nail art prompts!  Day three of the challenge is fall and this is one I wore for several days and did not want to remove.

Fall Nail Art Tree Stamping CBBOctNails

I started with Essence Wild White Ways as a base.  I tried a sunset gradient but the leaves did not show as well against it, so white it is.  Over that, I stamped a tree using Zoya Edyta and a Shany Image Plate. The image plate contains some dots that I left with Edyta as I could not be bothered filling them in individually and it gave the leaves some depth.

Once my stamp had dried, I dry brushed Zoya Beatrix over the top.  Beatrix is an orange PixieDust so it also gave the leaves some texture.

Fall Nail Art Tree CBBOctNails Freehand

For those who want a fall tree look but do not have stamps, I also did a freehand version using just a brush and a dotting tool.  This one is definitely more colourful and lots of people commented on it.

Fall Nail Art Tree CBBOctNails Freehand

I may have gone a little crazy with the polishes on this one.  Essence Wild White Ways, Hello Sweetheart Effect Coat & Nude Sweet Nude, Sinful Colors in a yellow that seems to have lost its name and Zoya in Edyta, Blaze and Beatrix.

I started with a white base, then drew the trees using Edyta, as with my stamp version.  Edyta is a dark green, gold almost black colour that honestly looks different every time I use it.  Zoya describes it as complex mixture of gold, olive, blue-green and smoky grey with a sparkling metallic finish.  I then used a dotting tool to dot red, metallic nude brown, orange and yellow over the tree.  Then I dotted Essence Nude Sweet Nude and the Hello Sweetheart effect coat across the bottom for some fallen brown leaves.

Topped with Essie GelSetter for some shine and to protect the dots and there it is, my two fall nail art looks.

6 Replies to “Fall Nail Art #CBBOctNails Day 3”

  1. You’re putting the rest of us to shame by having multiple looks every day, lol.
    I really love the first tree look. There is something subdued yet still eye catching about it.

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      It is only because I didn’t like the first one I did for each

  2. I love both the looks you created! That first one is just wow, and that freehand one is wow as well! 😀

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      Thanks Chantal

  3. Beautiful! I love both looks 🙂

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      Thanks Megan

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