Trying Out imPRESS Nails From Influenster


One of the first things I tried from influenster was the imPRESS nails from Broadway Nails (after eating my free Skinny Cow crisp bar). Sadly, I received short nails so I cut my nails down to try these, it is strange having short nails, but so much easier to type!  I am not a huge fan of stick on nails in general, but these are not as annoying as many, they fit well compared to most too, no shaping needed.  They seem to fit better and not be as plasticy feeling on the nail as much as others, including some more expensive brands.  The design would likely do better as an accent nail, I love the purple but the green and pink was a little over the top for me, but they do have some other beautiful designs.

I wore them for about 4 days before removing them to try the gel manicure light I bought on Cyber Monday. I am actually quite impressed with them. As I said, I don’t really like falsies, I worry about damage when removing them and can usually “feel” them on my nails. These did not seem as fake and were still stuck on well with no lifting or damage. I soaked them in nail polish remover to help remove them with less damage as the glue was still stuck on well.

I would likely buy them again, in some of the cuter designs (I love Space Cadet (think starry night), Holla and Wink Wink.

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