Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018



I am not one for thinking that life can change just because some random day means the end of the calendar year.  But good riddance to 2017 and hopefully 2018 will be better.  For those who tried to visit over the last week or so, apologies for the technical difficulties.  I didn’t have the access I needed to fix the error while not an actual computer which decided to stop working a few weeks ago.  But all looks to be working ok now!

2017 was a hard year for me. Losing Izzy then my sister was just overwhelming and I took some time away from a lot of things in December to evaluate my life and where I want things to be.  Spent some time with family, snuggled with the kitties and enjoyed the lack of a computer instead of stressing about it.  Thankfully I back up almost everything so apart from some stuff that there is no point blogging now anyway, I didn’t lose much.  Still after a break, hard to get back into blogging so instead, you get this rambling post.

So what does 2018 have in store for me and this blog?  For me, spending more time with family because time is precious.  A break did me good but I was spending too much time doing things that no longer seem so important.  Also, getting my health back on track.  A change in meds with a side effect of weight gain and messing up my hair, skin and nails really impacted how I felt about myself.  I got my doctor to agree to change them out and am already feeling better.  So expect some health related posts as I try to get myself back on track.

For my blog, taking a break was good for my mental health but it is hard to get back into it.  So maybe less posts than previously.  Maybe NaBloPoMo just after losing my sister was a bit much.  Taking vitamins for my nails has them growing stronger.  They are still weak so not sure how many nail art looks I will be featuring after reading some nasty comments about how my nails looked.  Trying to stay away from the falsies so I am not stressing the edges if they pull for a while.  Not sure what that means I will be featuring but we will see how it goes.

I am looking for some recommendations for non DAVIDsTEA teas to feature.  So if you have a brand you love, let me know.  Obviously has to be easily accessible to Canadians.  I am thinking of working through some Citizen Tea samples and hopefully Tickled Tea will have some new ones soon as I missed her Christmas teas and doesn’t make sense to blog them now.

So here is to a more cheerful outlook for 2018 and getting back on track!

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