Ciate Risky Business Swatch & Review

Ciate Risky Business - 3 Coats Sponged On over peel off base coat - naturall light showing purple shift macro

Ciate Risky Business - 3 Coats Sponged On over peel off base coat - naturall light showing purple shift

A weird angle, I know but you needed to see the beautiful purple shift in Ciate Risky Business.  It has a colour shifting base of blue to purple with blue gloitter “sequins”.  Risky Business looks a lot more opaque in the bottle but is really sheer so better as a topper or effect coat.  To get full opacity without a base colour, I needed to sponge it on three times and it still had some bald areas.

Ciate Risky Business Review - bottle shot showing colour shifts

Ciate Risky Business - 3 Coats Sponged On over peel off base coat -swatcht

Ciate Risky Business - 3 Coats Sponged On over peel off base coat - bright natural light showing purple shift

In brighter light, Risky Business appears much more blue with a blue-lilac base that is barely noticeable.  It does have some shimmer if the light hits it right but is very light dependent.  Wearing purple can also help pick up the colour in the polish.

Ciate Risky Business - 3 Coats Sponged On over peel off base coat - naturall light showing purple shift macro

In darker light, the pinkish-lilac is much more noticeable and the blue appears darker against it.  Applied on its own like this, the glitter is very chunky and you do need to leave some dry time between coats or you get bald spots.

Ciate Risky Business over Essie Coat Couture

Ciate Risky Business over Essie Coat Couture Review

Ciate Risky Business over Essie Coat Couture Swatch and Review

Ciate Risky Business over Essie Coat Couture Swatch and Review Macro

As a topper, it is beautiful.  I paired it with Essie’s Coat Couture hoping to pick up the pink in the colour shifting base but still show the blue.  Since Coat Couture is purple with a blue shimmer, I thought it would make the perfect base colour.  Shown here with one coat of Ciate Risky Business over two coats Essie Coat Couture with glossy top coat.

The glitter is fairly chunky even when applied as one sheer coat so a good thick top coat helps smooth it all out.  I really like it over the Essie polish but can’t imagine ever trying to wear it alone again.  Thankfully, I used UNT peel off basecoat and didn’t have to try and remove it because it sticks like crazy.

Ciate polishes are available at Sephora for $10 CDN each or three for $18 – buy them here.

3 Replies to “Ciate Risky Business Swatch & Review”

  1. This combo is so lovely!
    Kathy x

  2. I’m soooo torn on this. I absolutely LOVE it in your swatches, but I don’t know that I have the nail skillz to be able to build it up enough to get the same effect you did without it turning into a mess! It’s soooooo pretty though!

    1. Just use a latex free makeup sponge. Put the polish on the sponge which soaks up some of the clear polish binding it. Start with one layer of the polish applied normally then just sponge it on. If you don’t have a cuticle barrier, childrens glue or vaseline works to help minimize cleanup.

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