2015 Reading Challenge


One of the things I want to find more time for in 2015 is reading.

I love reading but haven’t had the time recently.  Since I am now not taking work home with me, it frees up my commuting time to read.  A friend shared this great PopSugar Reading Challenge on facebook. I want to take part in it so thought I would share it so I can track which ones I read and share for those who also want to take part.

For those who love reading, it is an opportunity to read something different.  For those who rarely read (or never read but want to) a reading challenge is a great way to learn what kind of books you will enjoy.

Obviously some books will cover more than one of the types of book you have to read for this reading challenge.  It is not necessarily a book a week, but should keep me going for a while along with the long list of books I have on my to read list including the whole A-W Sue Grafton books (and the extra two I assume will come out this year).

Some of these types of books are not what I would usually read.  For example, I hate classic romance, I am a total horror/thriller/mystery kinda girl, so any recommendations for books in any of the above genres are welcomed!  Do we even ban books anymore?  Why would we ban books when you can always find them online from a country that did not ban them?

I will have issues with the cover art and page numbers too, I mostly read on my kobo now so page numbers depend a lot on font and what size it is set at.  I guess I need to take a trip to Chapters.  I will also have to bug my mum to read something other than children’s books for school and gossip mags to give me a book to read.

Will you be taking part in this reading challenge?  What books are on your list to read in 2015?

 Reading Challenge Book Tracker:

  • 1. a book with more than 500 pages
  • 2. a romance
  • 3. a book that became a movie
  • 4. a book published this year
  • 5. a book with a number in the title
  • 6. a book written by someone under 30
  • 7. a book with nonhuman characters
  • 8. a funny book
  • 9. a book by a female author
  • 10. a mystery or thriller
  • 11. a book with a one-word title
  • 12. a book of short stories
  • 13. a book set in a different country
  • 14. a nonfiction book
  • 15. a popular author’s first book
  • 16. a book from your favorite author that you haven’t read yet
  • 17. a book a friend recommended
  • 18. a Pulitzer-prize winning book
  • 19. a book based on a true story
  • 20. a book at the bottom of your to read list
  • 21. a book your mom loves
  • 22. a book that scares you
  • 23. a book more than 100 years old
  • 24. a book based entirely on its cover
  • 25. a book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t
  • 26. a memoir
  • 27. a book you can finish in a day
  • 28. a book with antonyms in the title
  • 29. a book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
  • 30. a book that came out the year you were born
  • 31. a book with bad reviews
  • 32. a trilogy (the first)
  • 33. a trilogy (the second)
  • 34. a trilogy (the third)
  • 35. a book from your childhood
  • 36. a book with a love triangle
  • 37. a book set in the future
  • 38. a book set in high school
  • 39. a book with a color in the title
  • 40. a book that made/makes you cry
  • 41. a book with magic
  • 42. a graphic novel
  • 43. a book by an author you’ve never read before
  • 44. a book you own but have never read
  • 45. a book that takes place in your hometown
  • 46. a book that was originally written in another language
  • 47. a book set during Christmas (or similar holiday)
  • 48. a book written by an author with your same initials
  • 49. a play
  • 50. a banned book
  • 51. a book based on OR turned into a tv show
  • 52. a book you started but never finished


6 Replies to “2015 Reading Challenge”

  1. Allison Whitmore says: Reply

    Well considering I maybe read 1 book a year I don’t think this will happen.

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      I think I read about 50 in 2014 which is low for me, I am a quick reader so when I do read, I read a lot

  2. This is a great way to force yourself to get some “me” time! Thanks for the idea

  3. nicolthepickle says: Reply

    I love reading, and I’m sure I read at least a book every week. My problem is getting new books to read. Buying a book every week is pricey and I don’t get to the library often.
    I like to re-read good ones though.
    Ps. I highly recommend the #1 Ladies Detective Agency Series by Alexander McCall Smith.

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      The Ladies Detective series is on my list to read (it is a huge list)
      I have started reading on my kobo because I can get books so much cheaper (or free) than actual books and I am too lazy to go to the library during the day (downloading ebooks from them is so much easier)

  4. I love reading – sounds like a challenge that could be for me too 🙂 GOod luck!!

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