I was looking for a photo on my phone this morning and came across this gem of Roo when he was about 7 weeks old (he was a handfeeder kitten, they couldn’t find his mom anywhere near him).
Roo the Carb Junkie
Roo is a carb junkie, he has been since the day we got him. While most cats will try and swipe a piece of meat off your plate, there is nothing more tempting than bread and other carbs to Roo.
I remember this day well, I was eating a slice of toast and he kept trying to climb up and steal it so as a joke I cut up a piece of bread and put it in front of him – he ate about three of those chunks of bread!
Even now, he can’t resist carbs although he prefers chips to bread these days. I can put a piece of meat in front of him and he will just walk away, but carbs are another matter. Thankfully he is better about being told no and will just sit there looking longingly at whatever you are eating.
Bonus picture – because no one can resist a hand fed bottle kitten! This was only the second or third day we had him.
He is adorable. I’m a sucker for grey tabbies.
As a hand feeder, he holds a special place in my heart. I adore all of them but he is a momma’s boy.
Oh 🙂 Those might be the most adorable photos ever 🙂
He was an adorable kitten
My first little buddy, Oreo, was a huge mooch! I am so glad the 2 I have now aren’t :). It was so hard to say no to him!
He’s so cute in the last picture!