I will start by saying that this is the Glitter and Gold with stars not balls (and the one with balls was totally better and sparkled more). Not that you can’t work that out from the image, but I needed to get the rant out. The balls were so much sparklier and sparkles are good! Since […]
tea latte
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DavidsTea Hot Chocolate Tea Latte Recipe

Behind tea and nail polish, chocolate comes a close third so I love DAVIDsTEA Hot Chocolate tea. Sadly it is a limited edition for the winter collection and will disappear after Christmas despite my pleas to keep it around. The colder weather just begs for yummy frothy warm drinks, but drinking hot chocolate every day […]
- Food & Drink
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How To Make A Tea Latte At Home

Someone asked me what machine I used to steam milk at home without using the UHT milk that comes in Tassimo discs. I don’t have a steamer and while my milk isn’t as soft and foamy as you can get when steamed, it is possible to make your own latte without it. Make 1/2 cup […]
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How Hard Is It To Make a Tea Latte Starbucks?

Starbucks and I have a love hate relationship. Since I drink very little coffee and he is a Tim Hortons addict, I don’t go often. I can get tea anywhere and they dumped Tazo for Teavana. Tazo Awake tea rocks and Teavana took over Teaopia and got rid of all of my favourite teas so […]