Ten Born Pretty Stamping Plates You Need

Ten Born Pretty Stamping Plates You Need In Your Collection

Ten Born Pretty Stamping Plates You Need In Your Collection

Born Pretty has a decent selection of stamping plates at low prices, but if you are just starting to expand your collection, here are ten plates you should add that will cover most of your nail art needs.

Born Pretty BP-L006 stamp plate

Born Pretty’s BPL006 is a classic plate with chevrons, lines and other geometric patterns as well as some plaid designs, animal print and some cute add-ons along the bottom.  Makes a great starter plate for any nail art design.

Born Pretty BP-L018 stamping plate

The BPL018 plate from Born pretty has a mix of full size nail patterns along with Russian nesting dolls and even a decent size feather.  While I love the feather design on this, what is nail stamping without some ugly sweater nails?

Born Pretty BP-L026 stamp plate

A fall favourite, Born Pretty’s BPL026 has a mix of different leaf designs great for beginners yet suitable for advanced stamping and decals for those who want to add a little something extra to their designs.  If it is not quite your style, switch it up for BPL024 which has a mix of flowers and leaves.

Born Pretty BP-L029 stamping plate

Every nail stamping collection needs some florals and BPL029 has a great mix.  Like the leaf one above, it can be used for beginner to advanced stamping with lots of opportunity for reverse stamping decals.  I love the little flowers along the bottom too.

Born Pretty BP-L015 stamping plate

BPL015 wins for me based on the tree branches alone but it is a great plate that can take you through the seasons with some delicate flowers, fall faves and even Christmas trees.  With the added Valentine’s and Mother’s Day images it is a winner for me.

Born Pretty BP01

Everyone needs some Christmas and winter stamps in their collection and BP01 was the first in the set for a reason.  It is a great mix of winter trees, snow and Christmassy stamping images to take you through December.

Born Pretty BP29 stamping plate

As a nail art enthusiast, you need the nail polish themed BP29 stamping plate from Born Pretty.  It has nail polish bottles, drips that can be used for blood etc for Halloween and a great beauty inspired silhouette.

Born Pretty BP02 stamping plate

Everyone needs a lace design and Born Pretty’s BP02 plate has you covered with three large size ones that you can add at different angles so your nails are not identical and several single strips of lace for accents.

Born Pretty BP-L031

Halloween is huge in the nail art world with lots of online nail challenges and the BPL031 plate is a great mix of pumpkins, cats, spiderwebs and more.  The buildings can be used for other looks too.

Born Pretty BP60

Likewise, Easter nails are huge and this plate has a great Easter Egg full nail design as well as accents.

What is your favourite Born Pretty plate?  Any of these on your shopping list?

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You can find Born Pretty stamping plates direct from the Born Pretty Store, Ali Express, Amazon and Ebay.  They offer free shipping and rewards when you buy directly but it does take a while to ship to Canada (usually much longer than the time advertised)

2 Replies to “Ten Born Pretty Stamping Plates You Need”

  1. I have the 006 one and love it, and just got the 026 one. I also have. A bunch more on the way, but it’s been so long I can’t even remember what I ordered lol.

    1. LOL I just ordered because of the big plate sale this weekend and had to go back to my previous two to check which ones I have coming too. Both have tracking showing they are in Canada, but then nothing grrr

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