Zoya Mystery Mini Swatches: Violet, Temperance & Marion

Zoya Mystery Mini Set Violet Marion Temperance Swatches

Every so often, Zoya releases special sets for a limited time.  Usually, these offers have only been open to US residents, but they recently started shipping to Canada too.  While you still get free shipping with some of these special offers, you do have to pay an international surcharge, so not quite as cheap but […]

Zoya Naturel Satin Swatches: Rowan, Sage & Tove

As most of you will know, Zoya is one of my favourite brands of nail polish, they rarely disappoint.  The Zoya Naturel Satins collection is a transitional collection that is meant to ease you from Winter shades to brighter Spring shades and has some great nude colours. Zoya Satins are “low-sheen”, not quite matte but […]