THEFACESHOP Milk Calcium Nail Pack

THEFACESHOP Milk Calcium Nail Pack - Packaging

My nails take a real beating with my addiction to nail polish.  Between swatching, nail art and general painting my nails every day because who wants to wear the same colour?  My nails and cuticles are always desperate for a little TLC and THEFACESHOP’s nail pack provides that much needed blast of moisture.  You can pick […]

Sally Hansen 18K Gold Cuticle Eraser

I am hard on my nails, even more so on my cuticles.  I envy the nail bloggers who post photos of their immaculate looking nails.  No cuticles, perfect manicures and pretty polishes.  Sadly, that isn’t the case for many of us and we have to work hard just to make our cuticles look tidy. Gold […]

When Bad Habits & Anxiety Collide

I have dealt with anxiety since I was a teenager, I can have issues even getting ready to go out and meet friends.  I know it is completely unfounded the majority of the time but it causes me stress, insomnia and encourages my nervous bad habits. We have an important event at work today.  I […]