Ipsy Glambag February 2016

Ipsy Feb 2016 - all products

With the exchange rate and ipsy charging in US dollars, this will be my last glambag for a while.  It is getting less worth it at around $22 per month, hopefully the dollar drops soon.  The theme for February was Pretty in IpsyPink, not that mine was particularly pink. My ipsy glambag included Chella Passionate […]

November Ipsy Glambag Unboxing

Ipsy November 2015 All products beauty blast

I am still not sure how I feel about my November ipsy glambag. The theme for November was Beauty Blast, so it was nice to get less skincare and more cosmetics.  I doubt many people who subscribe to ipsy have managed to never receive a Smashbox Full Exposure mascara sample in the past.  I always […]

October’s Ipsy Glambag Review

Ipsy October 2015 Unboxing AlterEgo All Products

Compared to my very blah Birchbox, I was quite impressed with my Ipsy Glambag for October 2015.  While it was a little heavy on the moisturizers with a face serum and lotion, it included a nail polish which always cheers me up, The Balm Meet Matt(e) Hughes lip colour and an eyeliner.

Ipsy September Unboxing

Ipsy September 2015 Unboxing

I had planned to cancel ipsy after some underwhelming glambags and the rising cost due to the US exchange rate (ipsy charges in US dollars) but did not cancel on time and was pretty happy when I received my glambag in September.  It always feels wrong calling these unboxings since they come in a bag […]

Dose Pill Nail Polish – Stormy

Dose Pill Stormy Nail Polish Swatches Canada Ipsy Bottle

Just what the doctor ordered, a dose of nail polish! Dose Pills are made by Strange Beautiful and are not one use pills like some of the ones you see now, but a regular bottle of nail polish in a pill shaped bottle.  I received a Dose Pill in Stormy, an ipsy exclusive shade in […]

Ipsy Glambag August 2015 Unboxing

ipsy august 2015 unboxing

I know, I know, I already have my September ipsy bag photographed for an unboxing (unbagging – whatever) so it is about time I got my August subscriptions up.  This ipsy bag was probably the worst of the ones I have received.  The preview for ipsy’s August Prep School bag showed Trust Fund nail polish, […]

Ipsy Swatches: Formula X Nail Polish, Tre’StiQue & OFRA Eyeliners

I figured it was about time that I share the swatches of the items in my June 2015 Ipsy bag.  You can see the products here for more details. Starting with  Formula X nail colour in Power Source.  As I mentioned in the unboxing, I was surprised this was chosen for me as I have […]