How To Prime A Nail Stamp Head With A Magic Eraser

Prime Stamp With Magic Eraser - Eraser and Stamp

Prime Stamp With Magic Eraser - Eraser and Stamp

I have been interested in using a Magic Eraser to prime a stamp head for ages after seeing it on youtube but since all of my stamp heads were stamping perfectly, I didn’t want to risk ruining one trying.  So when I picked up a new stamp recently to try out and it stamped terribly, it was the perfect time to try out that Magic Eraser that has been sitting in my polish drawer for months.

Usually, I have primed a stamp with an old buffer so I was interested to see how the soft surface of the Magic Eraser would compare.  I was also worried that that milky cleaner in it, even if not wet, would damage a stamp – exactly why I waited until I have an affordable one I didn’t mind throwing away.  Turns out, Magic Erasers work very well for priming a stamp head.

How to use a Magic Eraser to Prime Your Stamp Head

Prime Stamp With Magic Eraser - Priming

All you have to do is gently run your stamp head over the bumpy side of the Magic Eraser about twenty times.  Pay attention to the curve of your stamp and work from side to side in one motion turning the stamp each stroke to leave a smooth surface and get rid of any shine on your stamp head.

Prime Stamp With Magic Eraser - Residue

You will have some white residue left from the Magic Eraser.  Grab a piece of sticky tape or a lint roller and pick up the flakes of stamp head and Magic Eraser dust.  Then run a piece of lint free cloth with some nail polish remover over the stamp head.  Once dry, you can get stamping.

Prime Stamp With Magic Eraser - Primed Stamp

Essence Stampy Nail Art Set - Priming Stamp Head With Magic Eraser

You can see the difference priming the stamp head with a Magic Eraser made in the quality of the stamp transfer.  The slightly duller stamp head transfers the polish better without risking nicks and bumps using a nail file or grittier buffer block to prime the stamp.

The youtube video I watched (and I wish I could remember who to credit them but I think it was this one by Nails of Aquarius) recommended the Extra Power Magic Eraser which you can pick up in Dollarama as a single pack, not sure if a regular one would work as well as the Extra Power.

3 Replies to “How To Prime A Nail Stamp Head With A Magic Eraser”

  1. I’ve never tried priming my stamps. Maybe I need to, it doesn’t seem to be stamping great lately.

    1. Tea & Nail Polish says: Reply

      Some work fine without priming. I never primed my fave purple Messy Mansion stamp and it is almost always flawless but my Konad and Born Pretty ones, I do every few months

  2. […] well, the stamp itself was fine – so definitely the stamp head from the stampy set.  I primed the stamp head and it worked much better, not a perfect transfer, but what you would expect from a cheaper set and […]

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