Essie Baguette Me Not Swatches & Review

Essie Baguette Me Not - Summer 2017 - Swatch Stamped MdU Fantasy - Creative Shop 59 Closeup

You having that weird thought that there is already a polish named Baguette Me Not and it doesn’t look like this?  OPI has one with a dusty salmony-dark pink colour.  I think Essie missed the mark on not naming this something macaron themed as it matches the purple-pink of macarons at my local bakery.  Anyway, […]

Essie Sweet Souffle Swatches & Creative Shop 71 Gradient Stamping

Essie Sweet Souffle - Summer 2017 - Swatch

I recently won a set of the Essie Summer 2017 collection in Intense Polish Therapy’s bloggiversary giveaway so will be sharing them with you this week.  The collection is inspired by the sweet pastels and glittering sugar confections of Paris’ most opulent cafes and a great mix of shades.  Starting with Sweet Souffle which I have […]