Before I start this little rant, I personally think that people should have pages not facebook groups if they are for a savings site/company/website.
Recently a website ran a referral contest. On a page this would be fine, it would be my choice to like the page and choose my settings when I liked the page. However this site runs a facebook group, I was automatically added to the group with autosettings sending over 40 alerts within an hour about posts, photos and replies to my cell phone and email.
I have my facebook set to ask me before showing any tags, mentions etc to protect my privacy, so why is it that facebook allows people to just add me to groups without permission (and for their own gain, it is a contesting friend set to limited profile who added me, not a personal friend who I can call and say WTF).
Facebook says that you can just leave the group, sure I can – but what if I was roaming and paid for data for those crazy number of emails you sent me and what if I do not want to be a part of that group? Should it not be my choice what groups I like, just as I can choose what pages to like.
The person has been defriended, the group left but groups still leave a bad taste in my mouth (and that is hard on live below the line because everything looks and smells so delicious)
I’ve never heard of a contest adding you to a group and getting that many notifications – wow that is NOT COOL at all!!!