Here is a list of upcoming Canadian twitter parties with prizes. All times shown are local Eastern time.
#NaturalCBB Twitter Party – Mar 21 @ 8pm
- Host: @bbloggersCA @M2Brands
- Prizing: Green/natural beauty products
#RaisedByCDNFarmer Twitter Party – Mar 21 @ 9pm
- Host: @ChickenFarmers @SJConsulting_CA
- Prizing: gift cards & small kitchen appliances
#RaisedByCDNFarmer Twitter Party – Mar 22 @ 9pm
- Host: @FoodBloggersCA @OntarioApples
- Prizing: 5 prizes of $75 Grocery Gift Card and $25 worth of apple goodies (with extra box of apples for grand prize winner)
#BeFraudSmart Twitter Party – Mar 23 @ 7pm
- Host: @TangerineBank @shesconnected
- Prizing: $500 in prizing
#PreventPoison Twitter Party – Mar 23 @ 7pm
- Host: @ParacuteCanada
- Prizing: 1 of 3 unknown prizes
- RSVP on facebook
Tweetdeck For Twitter Parties
New to twitter parties? Never used TweetDeck? It makes following the party really easy by allowing you to set up a tab for the person asking questions, another for the hashtag, your notifications and more. Find out how to use it here.
Remember to always check the rules. Do you need to include the question number? Do you need to tag the host as well as use the hashtag? If you are new to twitter you can also hit tweet limits and your account can get put on hold for some time “twitter jail”. So if you want to take part in twitter parties, it is good to train your twitter account to allow for at least 10 tweets per hour and include @mentions.
Link to this page:
Note: party times are subject to change and cancellation. Tea & Nail Polish provides this list of parties but is not affiliated with them unless specified. We accept no liability for information above.
Add Your Twitter Party
Send me an email with details: eithne (at) teaandnailpolish (dot) com including the party hashtag, host (person asking questions and sponsor), prize details and RSVP/info link
thanks for the lists I sometimes forget the times
[…] Tea and Nail Polish all in Eastern time zone format! […]